The Reply from Adam (Letter's Pt. 2)

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Adam Letter's -

Dear Dean,

I despise chick flick moment too, guess we have something in common after all. I understand why you couldn't save me, I even understand why you haven't tried. Sam has all you ever had, so he always comes first. Dad was an asshole, he messed you guys up, but let me have a normal life. If that's not an asshole I don't know what is. You're forgiven, only try to save me if you can do it safely. I don't want the world's savers dying to pull me out of a cage.


Adam Milligan (Winchester? Maybe?)

Dear Sam,

You thought you were saving the world. You should have listened to Dean though. Believe it or not he knows a thing or two. Michael made me jump in, not you, don't you ever think you made me h jump in. I'm thankful that you weren't thinking about would happen to me, I'd rather be in the cage With Lucifer then knowing he's out in the world burning it to the ground. Like I told Dean, I only want you to try and save me if you can to it safely. I can't have my idiot brothers die on me, cause then I'll be really screwed. You're forgive, don't you or Dean EVER forget that.


Adam Milligan (Winchester? Not sure about this whole last name thing.)

Dear Castiel,

I know who you are, Michael and Lucifer never stop talking about you. I understand why you saved Dean and not me, my half brothers are need to save the world. Make sure my reckless half brothers don't kill themselves saving me. I look forward to meeting you.


Adam Milligan (Seriously is my last name Winchester or Milligan? This is gonna drive me insane!)

P.S. Assbutt is actually an awesome insult! I use it all the time with Michael and Lucifer. Also, you called Michael an assbutt, not me.

Michael's Letter-

Dear Winchester's and Angel,

I hate you all.



Lucifer's Letter-

Dear Sam,

HI!!! How have you been? It's been awhile since we talked. We should catch up!



P.S. Tell Dean and Castiel that I said hi!

Authors Note!

Slightly Edit! Point out mistakes!

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