Heaven on earth

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10 years,somewhere in island

Hey al ! I think salmon on tonight plate will sounds good. (Ash)look at Almeria with puppy look

Well I don't mind as long as I got potato salad on side hahaha(aaron)two hand's up and a wink to Almeria

Do I look like your mom or maid? (Almeria)look at both of them with disbelief and pout

Well I bring my share too,so anything will be good (Oliver) come out with some fresh lettuce and more vege on small basket ,he being carry with left hand.

Not you too...(Almeria)pretend like almost loss my energy

It was 10 years when we manage to escaped from that place and we set our own home in this heaven.

When we escape there's lot things happen like our house were set on fire, and then a gentleman who come to rescue us.

Well it look shady enough if I said that our ass being safe for nothing, basically we worked for them owh I forget to mention he had other 4 friends.

Thanks to them we had shelter
And we had jobs but not to mention our jobs set our life at stake every second, event single small mistake will pay instantly.

Well you the only were allowed near to the stove, well not like we didn't try. But last time I remember that ash burn the oven just to roasted some chicken, not to mention that poor Oliver who try to make a muffins that cause half the kitchens on fire .(aaron)

Well the only good points aaron do only make a sweet without touch the oven (oliver)
Then they begain to laughed

Aha... but still had to do each share guys... dinner won't come in silver plater for nothing(Almeria)my arm cross on my chest and my eyes shut and had serious look right now to thr boys..

Well I make ice cream and cream brulee I be excuse then(Aaron)
He giggle. .

Well that's soo unfair dude

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Well that's soo unfair dude..(ash)half shouting and pouting face to Aaron

Stop acting bitchy will ya? Move your ass and help me cut this and you gentleman I do appreciate if you only set the table and find a decent dining table cutlery good enough?.(Almeria)
I ask oliver to set the table and to cutting and chopping to ash.

While I make dinner aaron mada a dessert and the rest of us do our part,is it lovely? (Almeria) I try provoke them with smirked

You're such evil queen (ash)ash reply with childish tone

Chop chop ash talking while move your hand too(Almeria)

Our relationship not really changed that each one of them still hot on my heels, let's admit it living with a dickhead won't easy.

Not know that before ,but after while I get use to them and now we more like brother's then a crush.
We manage to grow up a bit but when they being dickhead do snapped me sometime, but we know who ever cross the line it be my bullet on them or my knife ends first.

After few minutes struggling in the kitchen we finished making our decent food look good, as oliver poured the drinks I snapped and I trow the knives next to the sliding balcony.

Well that really bad way to say hello,is that how you greet your saviour?(Damien)

Well can't really say that friends or foe(Almeria)
With straight face and a bit annoyed.

Wow sarcasm do cuts deep you know that...(Damien)
Pretending to be hurt with hands on his heart.

Well revenge are meant to be serve cold(Almeria)
My hand were steady on the other blade, just in case...

You not welcome D ,you heard her before(ash)his right hand on his gun, and he ready to give a bullet on Damien head anytime.

What brings you D? You not coming for nothing are you? (Oliver)
Saw that he also flinch to see him, by the movement of his hand on the gun he hold right now .you could see how this guys keep it control the anger, well like others also D is the same.

Well that soo uncool , I'm basically come with her order you see.well I fly from tokyo just to be the massager,you'll should be thanks me(Damien)still act innocent

Well better safe your ass and spilled it D, I probably won't get to hold them for long..(Almeria)I get irritation on him. Well he always get my nerves

Hear I only had few details she ask you're existence in thare ,well this is a job that she entrusted to your team(Damien)
Change into serious when we talk about the matter.

Less then 48hours we all were send to tokyo, well hello heaven on earth. .. well this time what waits us on this land ,I do wonder....

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