Chapter One

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Her Innocuous Ways


Lara Dalton sat in the walk way of the university of Ilorin with her yellow tag neatly hanged on her neck and well clipped to her ironed pale blue short sleeved shirt tucked in a dirty brown colored skirt.

Her anxiousness molted a way when she saw her two friends Daramola and chacha strolling towards her. A lot of things has happened since one of the Student Union Executives had invited her to the SUB (Students Union Building) located close to the school's new park.

She had waited patiently to discuss the issue with her friends. Mr Famous as most students call him was a good looking, eloquent and graceful young man. Lara arrived at that conclusion herself. If she were to be honest, she'd admit she had been smitten with his masculinity. He's so male!

Placing a weak smile on her lips, she exchanged brief greetings with her friends. The purpose of the rendezvous was to give a detailed feedback to her friends on how the weekend went with Mr "Hot" as Chacha nicknamed him.

The pensive look on Lara's face did not go unnoticed for she heard Dara ask her,"what's wrong babe?"
"Let's get out of here", Chacha suggested as the trio strolled down to an almost empty SLT.
The lecture theater was big and spacious and would afford the friends the privacy they were in dire need of, however, what's wrong with Lara had nothing to do with privacy but her new post as one of her fellowship Excos.

Last Sunday, the President had accused her of doing something terribly wrong. He even pretended to do as if all was OK by asking her to wait after the service and praying with her.

"How was your date with Mr Famous?" Dara asked.

Lara narrated the events of her last weekend with Mr Famous adding the unpalatable sunday episode with the Fellowship President as a dessert for the girls.

"I think the President was just preaching Lara and some how you took it personal." Chacha suggested.

Lara felt mortified by her friend's uncalculated conclusion. The President had accused her of going after worldly pleasure. She'd be foolish not to conclude that. As if his gossip of a sermon wasn't enough, he parted his ill proportioned lips to say," Sister Lara, please wait after the service for a brief discussion.... Let's share the grace in fellowship "
If he wanted to reproof her, couldn't he have done it silently. Hell! He had to go to the fellowship to spread gossips about her.

"Lara! Are you listening to me?"
"Hmm... What?" Lara turned her face to Dara.


Pacing up and down her one bedroom self contained apartment, she tried to reason with her friends who had thought President was just speaking and in fact knows nothing of what's going on but it did nothing to make her feel better.

She had to do something, after all, familiarity breeds contempt. Nobody was going to insult her anymore not even the "holier than thou" President.

She couldn't help but wonder if there's something wrong in her wanting a manly man. A man to take her out, buy her things and give her maybe... Just maybe sometimes expensive treats. That definitely can't be a sinful acts.

"That is it!" Lara said out loud. The thought had never crossed her mind before now. There's a possibility to the fact the reason all those supposed "Christian" brothers always preach about worldly pleasures could be that most of them are stingy, insecured and poverty stricken. Couldn't it? Just because they cannot afford it, they call it a sin. Shaking her head repeatedly, she was amazed at their foolishness and amused by her discovery. Somebody have to let them know that not everybody is easy deceived, at least not Lara Dalton.

Lara smiled twiddling the pen in her hand. These Fellowship people are something else, she concluded as she sat to complete the list of things she'd be needing as the school's General Secretary's girlfriend.

Examining her wardrobe earlier that afternoon, she discovered some of her clothes wouldn't do. Lara knew she had a lot of changes to make, the only thing now is how to go about effecting them. For example, most of her clothes happens to be shirts, overflowing skirts and.... At the thought of the word" overflowing " she realized, she hadn't packaged herself well at all in all her tasteless and unattractive clothes. Maybe that's why nobody... Well what she meant was... Attractive guy that is socially inclined ever asked her out.

With an extremely unusual loathing, she removed her pile of clothes from her wardrobe. She decided to slim fit most and start wearing those ones she has considered giving out before.
Tomorrow morning would mark the beginning of a new Lara Dalton.

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