I Almost Get a New Uncle, Part 1

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Jasmine's POV

I am now afraid of water.

Or hydrophobic, as it's called when I looked it up on the Internet to find a shorter word for it, like Annabeth's fear of spiders is called arachnophobia. Though I'm also afraid of spiders.

Ever since that incident of me falling in the river a few months ago, whenever I look at the pool or tub or even a puddle, I remember falling in it and think I'm drowning just by looking at a pile of water.

Even by touching it I freak out and start shaking. Well, cold water. Not as much with warm. But I still freak out.

For about a month after it I had nightmares about drowning. I would even fall off my bed, and that scares me even more. But then I would sleep with Annabeth in her bed, she'd wrap her arms around me, and that helps me sleep without any nightmares.

I guess it's because that's what she did when she jumped in to save me was wrap her arms around me. It helps me know that I'm safe.

Everyone would try to help me conquer my fear of water, but every time I went into the pool, I panicked and felt like I'm drowning, even though I can touch the bottom with my feet, and I splash around, trying to stay afloat and don't stop until Luke helps me out of the pool and I grab onto him, not letting go and shake for awhile until I calm down.

Annabeth tried to help me get over my fear of water, but stopped when I compromised that I will try with her if she tries to get over her fear of spiders with me. She immediately said no.

But, unfortunately, they didn't bother Luke, so he didn't stop trying with me.

"Come on, Jasmine," he said, swimming in the middle of the pool and beckoning for me to swim toward him. "You can do it."

"No I can't!" I disagreed, holding on to the pole right next to the steps that go into the pool. "I'm too scared."

"I know you are, but you know you can trust me, right?"


"Then come on. Swim to me. I know you can do it."

"And I know I can't."

"Jasmine, go to him," Emily said, standing right next to me. "Don't make me throw you in there."

"Oh, yeah," I replied sarcastically. "That'll make me go."

She grabbed me, but I held on to the pole tightly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

She let go of me and I clung more to the pole. I glared at her.

"Jasmine, please," she said.


"I can do it," Peter said, swimming around Luke.

"Shut up, Peter," I said.

"Look, Jasmine, I'll make you a deal," Luke said. "If you come to me right now, I won't make you get into the water again."


"I promise."

"You swear upon the river Styx?"

He hesitated. "I swear on the river Styx, but only if you come to me right now."

Now I'm hesitating. But if I did it, then he'd leave me alone.

I stood up and walked to the edge of the pool.

"That's it," Luke said. "Just a little more."

He wasn't helping.

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