I Learn To Fly

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Jasmine's POV

I love being with my grandparents, Doc and Drew, at their house. It's so cool and big. So is my other grandparents' house.

Me, Mommy, Daddy, Fiskerton, and Komodo went to see my grandparents, my great-uncle Doyle, and my aunt Whitney for the day. Grandma and Grandpa were working on the airship. It's a big orange blimp that they can fly anywhere in the world. It's so cool!

"Hey, Mom," Daddy said.

Grandma was working on the engine and she came out from under it to see us. "Hey."

"Where's Dad?"

"He's working on the other engine in the wing. We're giving the airship an update."

"Can I help?" I asked.

Grandma frowned. "Umm . . ."

"Drew, I think she can learn," Mommy said. "The earliest she learns, the more she'll learn about it as she gets older. And you know how much she likes to help."

Grandma smiled. "Yes, I do. Alright."

"Yay," I cheered.

Daddy laughed. "Well, while you two are here, Sarah and I will go see Dad."

"We'll be right outside if you need anything, Jasmine," Mommy said.

"Ok," I said. "Bye."

Mommy and Daddy left the room. Fiskerton went with them, but Komodo stayed with me.

"Ok, Jasmine," Grandma said. "You ready to learn how this engine works?"

"Ready," I replied.

We sat next to the engine.

There were a lot of wires inside of it, and Grandma explained to me what each of them did. Or tried to.

"This is confusing, Grandma," I said.

She smiled, like she understood. "It will be at first. But you'll get the hang of it eventually."


"Hey, don't sell yourself short."

Komodo growled in agreement, rubbing his head against mine and licked it. I laughed because it tickled.

"So do you still want to stay here and help me with this thing?" Grandma asked. "Or do you want to go find your parents?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I want to stay."


Grandma and I worked on the engine and Komodo helped a little bit. Then we went to go find Mommy and Daddy. They, Fiskerton, and Grandpa were outside talking.

I ran up to them. "Mommy, Daddy, I fixed the airship."

Daddy picked me up. "You did? All by yourself?"

"No. Grandma helped me, and Komodo did too."

"She'll be a good engineer when she grows up," Grandma said.

"But I don't want to be an engineer. I want to be a dancer."

I jumped out of Daddy's arms, landed on the ground, and spun myself a few times.

"Jasmine, you can be more than one thing," Mommy said.

I stopped twirling and looked at her. "I can?"

"Yes. You can be anything. Do anything. Especially since you're going to live forever."

"Really? Then maybe I will also be an engineer too."

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