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Lila's Pov
For the past few hours I've been through long hours of trying to master the choreography my choreographer wanted me to learn for this upcoming event.

You see after graduating from high school from Miami, I moved back to Seoul to pursue a dancing career.

Since I became a big hit here in South Korea, my expectations have been set higher. Now I don't have much time to talk to my family and friends back at home.

"Lila for the last time I told you not to do that." My choreography teacher Ms.Park said,"can I take a break I've been dancing for ages and it's pretty hot." I told her.

"We can not afford to take breaks, you and I both know how important this competition is, do you realize we can go to nationals and possibly international" Ms.Park went on.

"Lila from the top" she started the music and I begin dancing, my dance was cut short when I heard my name being yelled, no not by my dance instructor but by a very loud Sanha.

The music stopped playing and was met by my dance instructor yelling.

"Lila! What have I told you about having visitors during practice sessions." Ms.Park yelled, I ran over to Sanha and told him to leave.

"You have to go I'm really busy please go before she loses her mind." I told him.

Sanha started complaining that ever since I left to go back to Miami we haven't been talking, and now that I've returned to Seoul, my dancing schedule has separated us.

"Can't you take a break?" He asked, Ms.Park threatened to have security escort Sanha out if he didn't leave in two minutes.

"Can't you see she's getting ready for a huge important competition" Ms.Park told him.

"Competition my ass if I say she can have a break, then she's going to get a break." I started laughing at Sanha's savageness. I've never seen this side of him looks like the years that go by changed him.

"Lila, you may rest now since you'll be needing it." Ms.Park said sighing before leaving and going straight into her office.

"Wow that was unexpected" I told him.
"Sometimes you just gotta grow up and defend your ground." Sanha said,"That doesn't change the fact that your still a maknae of your group."

"You always ruin stuff anyways when are we going to get married?" Sanha asked,"is this the reason why you pulled me out?" I asked him.

"If I said no I'll be lying to you but seriously I want us to get married, I want us to have adorable babies and see them grow up most importantly I want to grow old with you" he said.

"But my schedule won't allow Me especially with this competition and the fact that your an idol."

"Baby girl I got this aye lady,Lila's gonna need more than just a break were planning to get married and there's nothing you can do to stop us."

"Sanha!" I screamed at the same time I couldn't hold back my laughter, as I saw Ms.Park now marching out her office. judging from her face she wasn't to happy with what Sanha said.

"Who said you were allowed to tell me what I can and can't do" Ms.Park said.

Sanha went inside her office came back with a piece of paper read the rights of my contract.

Then he proceeded to hand her back the paper,then he grabbed my hand and left the Entertainment agency I was under.

Sanha opened the car door and closed it he then went around the car and got inside the driver's seat.

Clear Love ♡  Sequel to Against All Odds Jaime Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now