Chapter Nine

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Solange then pushes Beyoncé, making her head hit the window. With the loud bang, it makes the driver look up. Beyoncé is shocked by Solange's actions but she isn't one to back down from a fight. So her hand goes clean across Solange's hard as possible. "Hey no fighting in the car. Stop it" the driver can see punches, slaps and kicks being thrown. It becomes too dangerous to continue driving so the driver pulls over. He hurries out of the car and goes to the back of the car just to pull open the door. Once he does that the girls come flying out the car as they continue to fight. People, who are startle by the sudden fight, just stop and pull out his or her phone to record the fight. The driver continues to try and break it up.

Matthew slams the paper on the table and Solange and Beyoncé, who are both wearing oversize shades, just remained seated and legs crossed. The shades are just to hide the few scratches and small sore spots on their faces. Tina and Richard are sitting behind them pissed as well. A picture of the girls are front page news in the New Yorker. Once the news broke, Matthew required for everyone to meet at his office. "This not how I wanted to start my morning" Matthew says as he takes his seat. Solange, who remembers that she has shades on, just rolls her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for her father to be a concern parent. "Do you know what this does to me, to us as family?" nobody says anything. "Do you?" Matthew raises his voice a little bit. Solange just sucks her teeth.

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles and Solange Knowles. I suggest you fix your attitude or I will do it for you" Tina says. Beyoncé sighs heavily.

"I don't know what's wrong with the both of you but it ends now. Beyoncé I don't" before Matthew could finish Beyoncé immediately starts defending herself.

"Nah she started it"

"Did your father ask you who started it?" Beyoncé sucks her teeth. "Try it again, try it because I promise you that the next headline will read "BEYONCÉ DEAD" trust me" the upper east accent that Tina portrays, who adapted over the years, went out the window. Beyoncé doesn't say anything but she knows that Tina does not play. Matthew may allow Solange to get away with sucking her teeth in his household but Tina doesn't tolerate it.

"What were you girls fighting over?" Richard questions.

"She thinks she better then everyone"

"I know I am" Beyoncé quickly interrupts. The girls begin to argue back and forth. Matthew runs his hands down his face out of frustration. Not only is he frustrated that his daughters got into a HUGE fight but he's also frustrated because he knows how much damage control he'll have to do on this.

"Girls" Tina raises her voice and immediately Beyoncé and Solange stop. "So you're telling me" Tina removes her jacket and stands up. "You're telling me that I'm missing a meeting with VOGUE because my daughters are "jealous" of one another?" Tina stands in front of them and she could see the fear the their eyes, even though the shades. "Now what sparked this so called "jealously" because I need to know"

"Dad said that Beyoncé could sing at his honorary party with Quincy Jones but I can't" Solange complains. Tina looks over at Matthew and gives him a "are you serious?" facial expression. Being only a year apart Beyoncé and Solange are practically twins so you can't do for one and not for another. Matthew just shrugs his shoulders. "This is what we are going to do because it seems like I am the only in this family that can do things...right" Tina gives Matthew the evil eye. "Matt you're" Tina can see him about to interrupt but Tina just continues to talk. "You're going to" Matthew sucks his teeth and Tina stops again and stares at him.

"Go head" he waves off Tina's threat.

"You're going to reach out to every and I do mean EVERY blog, news station, newspaper, and magazine. Whoever ran this story, you will reach out to them and say, "that this was an minor sister disagreement and" I don't see you writing anything" Tina points out. Matthew rolls his eyes and signals for Shannon to come into the office. Shannon walks into the office ready to take notes. "As I was saying, the press release will say "This was a minor disagreement between sisters and this will be handled between family. We will deal with this through counseling. The girls decided to act out, as teenagers do, just to get Matthew and I attention. They have our attention now and we ask that the public respect our privacy as we deal with the issue as a family" end quote" Tina looks over at Shannon, who gives her the thumbs up. "Thank you Shannon" Shannon exits the room and starts to type up the press release. "Now girls, you will be going to school today. You will act like the loving sisters that you are. Today I want you two to be disgustingly nice to one another and I will make sure because I will ask around. Understood" the girls look at each other and both fold their arms. "Try me if you want to" Tina states and immediately their arms go down. Tina looks up at Matthew. "Tell William that he is suspended for two weeks for letting this happen in the back of the car. He should've kept driving"

"They would've killed each other in the back of the car" Richard says.

"Does it look like I care" Tina stares at Richard. "Now" Tina reverts back to her upper east side accent. "Richard darling can you get my coat. I can still save this VOGUE meeting if I hurry" Richard stands up with Tina's jacket in hand. "Matthew I expect the story to be killed by noon. We need a cover up...have one of your rappers go out and get arrest or something" Tina says and Matthew isn't sure if she's serious or joking. Tina places a kiss on Solange and Beyoncé cheek before she heads out. "Goodbye girls play nice" Tina and Richard walk out of the office and suddenly the office is silent with Solange and Beyoncé looking into separate directions and Matthew looking at the both of them.

"Dismiss" the girls suck their teeth and stand up to grab their purses, bookbag and cardigans. "Solange" Matthew calls out. Solange turns around before walking out. "It would mean a lot to me if you would present me at the dinner" Beyoncé rolls her eyes and walks out the office. A smile appears on Solange's face.

"I would love to daddy"

"How about we make it a family affair and invite Jordan too" Beyoncé jokes as she walks back into the office.

"Are you upset that the moment won't be all about you?"

"It's not about either one of you. It's my night" Matthew states. "Now go to school before you're late" the girls head out the door and once they reach the bottom level they run into Jordan, waiting by the elevators.

"Oh if it isn't little Lalia Ali's in training" he jokes. "So who won? My money is on Beyoncé, I feel like Solange is all bark and no bite"

"Raise your hand if your dad actually claims you" Solange says. Beyoncé and Solange with smirks on their faces raise their hand and Jordan just clinches his jaw. "Don't try to be an asshole Jordan. We are so better at it then you" Solange gives Jordan a hair flip before she walks off and Beyoncé walks off laughing at the exchange that just happened. Once the girls get into the provided towncar there are no words spoken. Twenty minutes later the car pulls up to the school just as the firs bell rings and Beyoncé immediately darts out the car, just to avoid being late. 

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