Chapter 1

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I can hear my alarm going off. I sit up and look through the window at the sky. The oranges, pale pinks and blues mixing together to bring us daylight.

 "Morning," Smiles Abbie. She's beautiful. Her strawberry blonde hair curls around her shoulders and her bright blue eyes and pale skin seem to just make it easier to pick out each freckle, almost like dot-to-dot. She's tall, slim and always seems to dress up well. "Would you like a drink Cait?"                                      

"Morning...Urmm...Yeah, Please" I smile back at her. She always makes my days brighter. Just seeing that smile pop round the corner of the door. As she leaves the room I crawl out of bed and pull my slippers on. Why didn't I shut the curtains last night? I try to stand but somehow flop back down onto the bed. My head is hurting and I feel like crap. I attempt again and this time succeed. I stroll into the living room and see the tea waiting for me and next to it, some lovely bacon and egg sandwiches. Mmm.

“Thanks Abbie.” I really appreciate just how she cares for me, well most of the time.

“You don’t have to thank me silly!” Hearing the giggle in the way she speaks. “What have you got planned for today anyway, I was hoping to hit the shops”

“That sounds great!” I agree, hoping I can accompany her on the way. “Do you mind if I tag along?”

“Of course not, I’m going for a shower and when you’re ready we can get going, okay?” She strolls out the room leaving me alone in the quiet surrounds of the living area. I start to eat my sandwiches and glance around the room. The colours of the yellow walls with the black and white canvasses of me and Abbie always bring back fond memories. I finish my sandwich and head to my room. I look in the wardrobe wondering what to wear and I fish out my navy jeggings, black converse and a low cut top. After I have dressed I decide to clip my hair in a bun, it’s getting longer each day and I must remember to get it cut. I’ll put that on my list.

Things to Do

Get a job

Buy a Car (Once you get the money for one)

*Sort Wardrobe (Buy new clothes!)*

*Get a haircut*

There that should do it. I hate having my haircut my curly brunette locks seems to fall so elegant and I always get worried… What if they cut too much off? No! I mustn’t let my inner self take control of this, it’s about time I sorted myself out for once. I grab my cardigan and head back into the living room.

“Ready to go?” Abbie says rushing me to get out the door

We get into town and after a few hours decide it’s time to get something to eat. We sit in a nearby café and order 2 teas and some chicken sandwiches.

“So Cait, where was you last night?” Here it goes... the questions of doom! She always ceases to amaze me that she can’t leave nothing be.

“Out” I reply scrunching my eyes up at her as if to say leave me alone.

“Yeah, I figured that miss smarty pants!” She sounds annoyed but I’m 21 I can do what I like jeez she isn’t my mother. “I mean where were you, I didn’t hear you come in and your phone was off… I was worried Caitlyn!” Why does she always use my full name when she gets annoyed.

“I was with Jake if you really must know…we went the pub across the road and I didn’t get back till late. I didn’t wake you because I wanted to let you get some sleep.”

“Woahh… Jake ay? Did you just go to the pub or was there more…” I knew it, as soon as I mention I’m with him she jumps to every conclusion under the flipping sun! No wonder I don’t tell her nothing!

“Nothing happened, oh wait did I tell you we did it on the floor in front of all the other punters! Jeez Abbie what do you take me for, he’s a friend… Just a friend!”

“A friend who’s about to walk by with Ryan!” She giggles, staring out the café window at Ryan who she seems to have took much attraction to since school days, like a child who always once to play hook a duck when they see it, except she never seems to be able to catch him. Jake waves at us through the window and walks in through the big oak café doors. He drags a chair squeaking it across the floor and I can’t help but grit my teeth at the sound.

“Hey ladies…” He greets us in such a stupid way, I look at him and frown. He’s hot, scuffed up jeans, plain tee with a baseball jacket on. His longish brown hair and his beautiful blue eyes but I could never ruin the friendship we have, he’s the boy who has been there for me since the first day we met in school and I could never let anything come between us.

“Shut up…” I giggle. “What are you two doing in town anyway?”

“We just bought the new Fifa for the Xbox, not that you would understand.” Ryan seems to always pick out amusing comments that’ll make him look good, he’s similar looking to Jake expect he has blondish hair and unusual green eyes. He doesn’t at all have the same sense of humour and always attempts to make jokes out of any comment he can think of!

“Yeah… Well Ryan, I will make you aware that I would whip you ass at Fifa any day babe!” His mouth drops open in shock. He wasn’t expecting that the silly fool. Me and Ryan have our moments where sometimes I just cannot stand him and can’t help but put him in his place.

“Why don’t you both come over to mine with us then, we could do with a laugh.” Just as I’m about to turn them down as I was really hoping to go and get my hair cut Abbie steps in.

“Yeah, let’s do that! If it gets late we can order some food and I’m sure you dad has something in to get us on a little high” Jakes mother and father are well for themselves, his Mother his a forensic scientist so she works away a lot and his Father works as a solicitor, with his Mother away so much he enjoys a good drink so he’s always well stocked.

We stand outside his 5 bedded house and wait for him to unlock the door has he scuffles around his backpack for his keys. The house is beautiful, the garden out front well maintained and floral. A dream house, I hope one day I can live like this to.

“Come in then!” He calls so we all pile in and land on the leather corner sofa they have. Ryan doesn’t hesitate to turn the Xbox on and get the game up and going, Abbie sits right close to him when he sits back down leaving me next to Jake.

It’s getting late, I’ve already won Ryan 4 times and we have already started on the drink! Jacks dad wont be back tonight so we agreed to stay and keep him company. It’s hard being an only child, I should know. I start to feel tipsy and tired.

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