Chapter 8

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'I've got to go work, come on Joshy we need to get you dropped of at Grandmas on the way!' Jake always seems such a rush to get into work, after we married last year his parents bought us our own little cottage as a wedding gift and Jake started up his own business in house renovating.

'Yaaaay!' I hear Joshua squeal. Whenever Christine has time off she takes the chance to have Joshua and have their own special fun days together.

‘See you later mummy’ Jake says as I give them quick kisses and then they’re gone out the door.

What to do today, I think to myself. I grab the phone to ring Abbie she’s always up for a girls day but suddenly the phone rings in my hand.

‘Hello…Hello…’ I hang up thinking it must just be another prank call

I dial Abbie’s number and arrange to meet up at the Café near to hers in about an hour. I get dressed in my black laced dress and leggings, run my fingers through my hair and pull on my uggs. Perfect.

I leave the house and as I’m walking over the park I realise I’m being followed. I pull out my phone and the batteries drained so I pretend I’m in a call.

‘Hey Abbie…Yeah…I’m not far from you now…See you inamin!’ I look around and see the park is empty and this guy is still following as we get near the alley which is at the side of the Café I know I’m going to have to run through quickly. As I go to run the man dressed all in black grabs me and pins me against the wall. He has a ski mask on covering his face and a hoody pulled over his head. Who is this guy!

‘Don’t scream or I’ll hurt you,’ he warns me and I know he’s being serious, I mean look at him! You don’t walk around grabbing girls like that to get their numbers do you?

‘I want you to hold my hand and come with me.’ I gulp, where is he taking me. What about meeting Abbie. Will I ever see anyone again?

We walk back through the park and he points to a car.

‘Get in quickly and get your belt on.’ I do as he says. My whole body is shaking and I stare out the window. My ring, he’s slipped my ring off!

As he gets in the drivers side I can tell he’s took the ski mask off, he has a stubbly beard and looks oldish, at least in his 40’s, tanned skin. My body freezes. Oh my god…It can’t be…

‘Caitlyn, I don’t want you to be scared…I needed to see you…’ As he turns and looks at me, tears just automatically start rolling down my face. Andre.

‘W…Why…’ I stutter as I ask him the question and can’t help but think he’s here to finish me off.

‘Hey sweetie…Don’t be scared, I’ve missed you’ I feel sick, physically.  This creep is out of prison! Nobody told me and now he’s here! I’m sitting in the car with the fucked up creep who ruined my childhood!

‘Piss off Andre,’ I cannot control my anger and I hit him in the face ‘You fucking cunt, you ruined my life! What do you want from me? Money, I can give you money, just let me out the car and go away!’ The crying is getting worse and I can’t determine why I’m even crying. Fear…Anger…Pain.

He holds his hand on his face where I hit him and his eyes glisten at me. He seems angry but sad but I cannot feel for this man, after everything he put me through. I changed my life around and now he’s here.

‘I got out Cait, I got help! I cannot be found do you understand me! You put me in there, you! I loved you…Yes it was wrong and sick but I still do Caitlyn sweetie please…’ He places his hand on me and I shiver.

‘No Andre… Get off me! You need to go, I won’t say anything if you just go!’ I know I’m lying, if this cruel, evil man lets me go I’ll be straight on that phone sending him back to where he belongs.


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