Eazy E (part two)

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the last time Eric had spoken to Nia, she's been calling him back to back nonstop, trying to reach him but he wasn't answering - he was trying to stay away from her for a while because he knew how much he was hurting her and he also knew how much he was hurting himself because the feelings he had towards the girl was too strong but he wouldn't be able to do anything anyways, since he was just two weeks away from proposing to Tomica.

His mind just kept wandering back to Nia, he couldn't get his brain to stop thinking about her - everything about her made his heart speed up and made him smile a genuine smile.

His smile instantly fades from his face once he realised that he wasn't supposed to be thinking of her. He loved Tomica. He had to - if he didn't he wouldn't had still been with her, but it was something about Nia that made him want to change everything about himself, made him want to push all of his groupies to the side and look at no other female other than her.

Tomica walks into the living room and looks around in confusion when she notices that all of the lights were off and the only light came from the window from the open curtains, she looks at Eric who was sitting in front of the window on the burgundy rocking chair with his head hanging low.

''Damn, the power out or something?'' Tomica asks and the man looks up so fast that she was surprised he didn't get whiplash or something. ''You alright?''

Eric clears his throat. He didn't even realise that he was sitting in the dark for almost a whole hour now. He stands up, walking to the light switch and flipping it on. ''My bad..'' he says, going back to sit in the chair. "I was thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing important."

"You know you can't lie to me, Eric." she tells him and he chews on the side of his cheek to stop himself from lashing out. "Just tell me what's going on."

"Nothing, Tomica." he says glaring up at her. "Just let it go."

She was doing the same exact thing that Nia would do if he was at her house right now, she always wanted to know what he was thinking about and she would keep prying until he finally told her whatever was bothering him.

''Eric, just --

"DAMMIT, NIA, I SAID JUST LET THE SHIT GO!!" Eric screams and the lady looks at him in shock and disbelief.

"Nia?" Tomica asks, raising her eyebrows and Eric looks at her as if she was crazy, he looked genuinely confused. "You just called me Nia, Eric!"

Eric stares at her for a while before sighing, putting his head in his hands. He was calling himself every name in the book right about now. How could he slip up this bad?

"You still seeing that bitch?" Tomica asks and he was about to look up at her and tell her to not call her a bitch but stopped just before he could. "You fucking asshole," Tomica screams as she swings her handbag at him, hitting him on his arm. "How could you!?"

"Please just calm down, baby." He mumbled, standing up and walking towards her but she raises her purse again, so he stopped walking. It felt like she had bricks in that damn thing.

Tomica points at the door. "Leave," she tells him and he scoffs, shaking his head. "You think I'm joking with you? Get the fuck out!"

The lady begins pushing him towards the front door and he closes his eyes, fighting the urge to turn around and do something that he knew he would regret. He had a reputation and did not want his fans to know he had went to jail for domestic violence.

Eric opens the front door and she pushes him one last time and he stumbles a little, nearly tripping over the staircase and hitting his head on the concrete. He hears the door slam shut and he sits on the stairs for a while to think about what he was going to do now.

He had a growing headache and couldn't think straight - but the one person that he was thinking about right now was Nia. He been thinking about her since that day where she was going crazy outside of her home and everything she said was true, she was there for him before anyone else was, she gave him a place to stay when the police was hot and roaming the streets looking for him.

But was he really going to go to her house after she was the one who caused all of this?

He pulled up to her house about fifteen minutes later but he didn't get out of the car for a while. He stares at her home for about a full three minutes, hesitating on if he actually wanted to go through with what his brain was thinking.

Think, E. You need to think about this.
He tells himself, he never felt so lost a day in his life - one second he wanted to get out and knock on the door and the next second he wanted to pull off and, find a stripper and go to a hotel for the night. Fuck it.

He steps out of the car and walks towards the house that he knew so well. Everything about her house screamed safety and comfort, no matter how many times she tried to physically fight him  or how many times he had to grab her hand and hold her to the bed because of how angry she was.

Eric lets out a nervous breath as he raises his fist to knock on the door, he gives the door seven rhythmic knocks, that was his signature knock so she could always know when it was him.

Nia furrows her eyebrows at the knock that echoed throughout the entire house. That knock was used for only person and she knew damn well that he wasn't at her house at no damn two o'clock in the morning.

Nia walks downstairs slowly, she looked out the window and sees that it was in fact his car outside and her heart suddenly speeds up in her chest, she hasn't seen him in so long. The girl nearly breaks her neck as she runs to open the door, she was about to curse him out.

The door flies open and she starts, "How the fuck you gonna ignore my --
He cuts her off by grabbing the back of her neck and crashing his lips onto hers. "What are you --

"I wanna be with you," he tells her, pulling her head back towards his and pecking her lips. "I wanna be with you and nobody else."

"Eric, what about - what about Tomica?"

"I said I want you, Nia," he replies, grabbing her hand and looking in her eyes. "Tomica - I'm leaving her."

"What about your proposal?"

"Do you wanna fucking be with me or not?" He asks her and she nods quickly. "Then quit asking questions."

Nia smiles. "I love you, E."

He pulls her into the house and the rest of the night was filled with loving screams and changing the bedsheets at least six times in one night.

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