Kendrick Lamar

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A friend would never leave Compton for profit, or leave his best friends little brother, you promised you'd watch him before they shot him.

"Have him own before eleven o'clock." Brandon says, sniffing and grabbing a tissue from the box and blowing his nose into it. "Eleven o'clock, Kendrick. Not eleven o' one and definitely not eleven o' seven - eleven o'clock!"

Kendrick runs a hand down his face, annoyed that his friend was going through this same speech for the fifth time in just under thirty minutes. Brandon was sick and couldn't take his little brother to the football game, so Kendrick decided that he could do it.

Michael never gave him any problems. He liked him more than he liked Brandon, honestly.

Brandon opens his mouth to say something else but Kendrick cuts him off by speaking himself. "Damn, Brandon, I know. Have Michael home before eleven and keep him in my sights, I got this."

Michael bust into the room. "Kendrick, you almost done sniffing Brandon's ass because we already fifteen minutes late." Brandon glares at him, as he tries to grab his brother but the boy was already running out of the room.

"Quit cussing.." Brandon yells to his brother. He looks back at Kendrick and the two of them started laughing. "That boy is gonna be corrupt, man."

Kendrick chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm about to get going, B." He tells him and Brandon nods slowly as the boy turns around to head out the door but Brandon grabs his shirt. "Now what?"

"Please," Brandon coughs, "Watch my brother, man."

Kendrick nods, walking out the room.

Sometimes he thought that Brandon was too over protective over his brother and at times thought that it was kind of unhealthy, but Michael was all Brandon had; their parents died in a car accident about two years ago, so it was just the two right now.

Kendrick and Michael both hop out of the car and start walking towards the school, where the game was being held. They stop at the front office and pull out the seven dollars that it cost to get inside.

The place was filled with people. Teenagers and adults were everywhere, walking back and forth with their family and friends.

"Yo, Michael!" A boy around the age of seventeen calls out and they both look over at him. "You coming or what?"

"What.." Kendrick responds for his best friends brother, Michael looks up at him with wide eyes. "Your brother told me to keep me eyes on you."

The other boy walks towards them. "Look, my name is Leonard and we hanging right over there." He points behind him across the field where three guys and one girl was standing.

Kendrick raises an eyebrow. "You not too old to be hanging out with a fifteen year old?" He asks, shoving his hands in his coat pocket, he could hear Michael sigh in annoyance. "How old you is, seventeen, eighteen?"

"Seventeen." Leonard admits, looking down at his shoes. "Come on, man, you can see us from right here." He says. "Let the kid live a little."

He looks down at Michael who was looking back up at him with wide, hopeful eyes. He sighs, running a hand down his face. "Come back here at ten. You got a whole hour, Michael."

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