Reach Out To Me

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       Sorey is in a bare room sitting in a corner mumbling things to himself.
       "I don't want to hurt him..." tears rolling down His cheeks. "Why are you doing this? Why cant I show him now?" He pulls his knees up and buries his face into his arm. "I don't want this!" "He's my friend!" "Can I stop now!?" Sorey screamed.
        As Mikleo lays in the bed he hears the yelling from the other side of the wall, and put his ear closer to the wall.
       "What's going on...?" As Mikleo listens he feels chills run down his spine.
        Mikleo hears passing, and thumpings against the wall.
       "What's happening...?" He whispers.
       More tears roll down Soreys face, with quiet sobs trying not to get Mikleos attention. Sorey moved to one side of the room to the other shaking. His anxiety raising by the second, ready to just scream out in fear.
       Mikleo out of curiosity walked slowly out of the small bedroom to walk and stand in front of the bedroom next to his. Listening into the room he hears more passing. Mikleo slowly opened the door to see the walls torn, and with holes. He turned seeing Sorey in the corner glaring at him.
        "What are you doing!?" He yelled. "Go back into the room!" He yealled again walking in
Mikleos direction.
         With Fear and curiosity in Mikleos eyes he ran back down the hall straight into the room.
         "Why did you make me say that?" More tears start to stream down Soreys face. "Please make it stop! I just want to reach out to him once!"

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