Elysia II

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Mikleo walked into the entrance of Elysia. It's took about 2 1/2 days to get there. It's the after noon and Mikleo ran straight toward Soreys house who's was right in the middle of the village.
When he got the the door he looked down at the door knob tears erupted in his eyes. He slowly put his hand on the knob and opened the door.
He missed the smell, all the books surrounding the fire place. But one thing was missing.
"Sorey...." Mikleo whispered closing the door behind him.
He walked in the center of the room remembering all the small memories of when they were kids.
Sorey would stay up laid reading books falling asleep face in a book, or the time when Mikleo was sitting reading a book back to back with Sorey.
Mikleo collapsed to the floor tears flowing down his face yelling in pain.
"Why didn't I do anything! WHY!?!?" Screaming at the top of his lungs.
"I could have stopped it!" He continued sobbing tears hitting the floor.
He sat up wipping his face.
He stood up slowly, walking slowly toward the bedroom. He stood next to empty bed, feeling a presence he turned around, a woman, Lailah was standing in the door way.
    "You want to talk about it?" She asked.
    "I-i don't." He said not making eye contact.
    "Are you sure?" She said putting her hand on his shoulder.
    "I-I saw him..." he whispered.
    "You mean Sorey?" She said eyes widening.
    Mikleo nodded his head slowly still looking still the bed.
    "Well where is he? Wouldn't you be happy to see him?" She asked concerned.
    He turned toward her way more tears streamed down his face than before pulling her into a hug.
    "I couldn't do anything! He took me to some ruins, and he stabbed himself right in front of me! He wanted me to do it but why would I do that!?!?" Mikleo screamed into her shoulder.
    Laihal patted his back not knowing what to do. She has never been put in a situation like this.
    "You wouldn't understand...." he said pulling away walking out of the house walking to his own.
     'I-I need to head back... i know it would most likely break my heart even more, but I need to at least give him a proper burial. Right?' Mikleo that to himself putting his hand up to his heart.
    "I-I'm going back..." he whispered to himself, "I will..."

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