Im sorry...

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     "W-what?" Mikleo said shaking holding the sword in his right hand.
     "Why would I do that?"
     "Just do it!" Sorey raised his voice in warning. "I won't resist."
     "N-no... no..." Mikleo said look down at the sword in horror.
     "!" Mikleo yelled dropping the sword.
     Sorey losing patience picks up the sword and instantly drops it hold his hand wincing.
     "Ahh!" Sorey let out a little hiss.
     Steam coming off his hand leaving a burn.
     "Pick up the sword and stab me already!" Sorey said standing up straight still holding onto his hand.
     "I can't..." Mikleo said not making eyes contact.
     "Yes you can! And you have to!" He yelled.
     Mikleo clutched his hands into a fist still shaking.
     "Don't make it harder than it is..." Sorey said walking toward the sword one last time.
     Sorey kneeled down and picked up the sword going through the pain of the sword burning his hand.
     "As you can see I'm not supposed to touch this sword... hnngg.. because I'm a what you so call a 'hellion'" Sorey explained through the pain.
     " I may not be Sorey... but... I can see why he cherishes you..."
     "W-what do you mean?" Mikleo said fear in his eyes.
     Sorey lifted the sword facing the blade toward his stomach.
    "This could have gone easier.." Sorey said looking Mikleo in the eyes.
    "W-wait! Don't!" Mikleo said running toward him but was to late.

(I thought of this song while doing this lol)
     Sorey swung the sword down impaling his stomach with the golden sword. Sorey fell to his knees, blood spilling from his mouth. Mikleo ran and caught Sorey before he fell. The sword disappeared with a flash of white light.
    "No, no , no!" Mikleo said turning Sorey over.
    "It's fine...." Sorey said looking toward Mikleo sadness filling his eyes.
    Tears start streaming down Mikleos face, "I don't want to loose you again, fake or not..." hugging Sorey.
    "Mikleo..... I'll be fine...." Sorey said putting his arm on Mikleo's.
     "You should leave now..." Sorey said looking toward the door.
    "Just go.."
    Mikleo grabbed Soreys hand, "I don't want to."
    "But you have to..." Sorey said with a smile.
    Mikleo squeezed Soreys hand wishing this wasn't a dream of some sort, they were just outside have the best time and now this, this can't even be possible. But before Mikleo even realized Sorey turned very pale, his eyes were closed and his hand wasn't tense anymore.
    "No, No, No!" In horror and fear tears streamed down Mikleo's face as he stood up and ran out of the ruins as fast as he possibly could. "Why this? Anything but this!" Mikleo thought in his head.
    Reaching to the entrance of the ruins he saw the familiar face of the girl named Rose.
    "Mikleo!? Are you okay!" She said running up to him.
    He didn't answer, tears still in his eyes and down his face.
    "We have to go...." he said voice in almost in a whisper.
    "What happen-"
    "I said we need to go!" He yelled.
    "I- uh fine..." she said as Mikleo passed her heading back to Elysia.
    'What happened?" Rose thought.

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