The moment of truth

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      It's dawn and Sorey is still holding Mikleo in his arms, Mikleo still out cold taking in small and peaceful breathes. Rage filled Sorey, but he tried to keep calm.
     'I don't understand, why does everything go the opposite way I want it to go?' Sorey thought in his head.
     'I've been doing everything as planned..'
     As Sorey was in thought he stopped and saw the entrance to the hidden ruins. Though only to him he could see. It looked as if there were just trees and vines in front of them, but it was protected by a cloak to keep people out.
     Sorey set Mikleo down and walked to grab a handful of water that was in the near by river.
     The sun rising made the river look very peaceful, and the ripples that went through the water made it as if it were a dream.
     Sorey cupped his hands and scooped up some water and walked over to Mikleo. Noticing that Mikleo was already waking up, he dropped the water and crossed his arms in annoyance.
      "Ouch..." Mikleo said rubbing his neck.
     "Where are we?" Mikleo asked looking at Sorey noticing that he looked annoyed. "What?"
     "Many things." Sorey said with a pouty face.
     Mikleo looked at Sorey with confusion, "and those things are?" Mikleo asked slowly getting up but loosing his balance, and fell back down. "Ouch"
     Sorey looked at him and covered his mouth trying to stop his laughter.
     "Stop laughing!" Mikleo said embarrassed.
     Sorey removed his hand slowly, and then started bursting out laughing again.
     "I said stop!" Mikleo yelled in annoyance, getting up and running after Sorey.
     Sorey turned and ran toward the river still laughing. Mikleo still chasing him. Sorey stopped at the edge of the river and turned around worry on his face. "No, no, no!" Sorey yelled waving his hands to stop Mikleo.
     Mikleo ran straight toward Sorey and wrapped his arms around Soreys torso and pushed Sorey into the river.
    Mikleo looked Sorey in the eyes as they both were in the water, Mikleo chuckled a little and then they both started to laugh. Mikleo got up and off of Sorey sitting in the shallow river, as Sorey stood up and splashed Mikleo with some water making his bangs fall in his face.
     "Haha very funny." Mikleo said with a smirk splashing Sorey back, making him fall as well.
     Now this time it was Mikleo who was laughing hysterically. Sorey the one being annoyed picked up Mikleo and threw him into the little more deeper end of the river, causing Mikleo to let out a small scream.
     "Guess who's laughing now!" Sorey yelled cupping his hands around his mouth to project his voice. Mikleo stooping up and flipped his bangs back to show the small circle that was given to him at birth. Mikleo turned to Sorey and tackled him down again.
     "Ha ha ha" Mikleo said sarcastically as he pulls himself up a little still on top of Sorey.
     Sorey chuckled sitting up while Mikleo sits on his own legs still in front of him. They stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, Sorey slowly wraps his arms around Mikleo and pulls him closer and Sorey slowly put his lips onto Mikleos. Mikleo was a little flustered at first but closed his eyes and passionately kissed him back.
     As they parted away Mikleo started to blush a little holding his mouth not making eye contact. Sorey chuckles a little and stands up, hold a hand out to help Mikleo up too.
     "We're here." Sorey said with a smile.

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