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In this fic. Ron has not "forgiven" Harry and they're still fighting.

Ps. whoever is in the heading is who's pov it is.

The Great Hall was full of excited chatter. Today 3rd years and up were to be given dance lessons for the Yule Ball. Now only 4th years and up were allowed to go, however McGonagall thought it best to give 3rd years lessons as well because so many were already asked to go with the older students. It was posted in the common room a couple of days ago and everyone was so excited. Well except the younger kids. No one paid them any attention because of how excited everyone was.

Eventually, it was time and the other schools, and younger students were led out of the room. The tables were pushed and stacked against the walls. McGonagall stood in the middle of the room and encouraged the students to come closer. Harry led me over to where Ginny and a girl with platinum blond hair were standing.

"Hey Ginny, who's your friend?" Harry asked.

"Hi Harry, this is Luna Lovegood. Luna this is Harry and Hermione."

"You know Harry; you have many nargles surrounding your head."

Harry looked at Ginny confused, "nargles?" He questioned.

She nodded. I was about to ask her more about these nargles however, Ginny just gave me a look that screamed 'go with it.' I was slightly put off by this but McGonagall started to talk.

"Quiet down everyone. Now this year as you know we will be having a Yule Ball. Professor Flitwick and I will be teaching you to dance properly. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching the name of our school by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons. Now let's see, ah Mr. Weasley, come here." She gestured towards Ron. He walked over to her hesitantly. "Now put your hands on my waist."

He stared at her dumbly. "Your what?"

"My waist Mr. Weasley." She looked at him expectantly and when he did not move she added, "now come on we don't have all day."

That seemed to kick him into gear, and he moved her hands around her waist. When he did, a wolf whistle came from the crowd. Ron went a little red in the face however our Professor paid no mind to him and continued to show us how it was done. When she was done showing us he returned to his spot in-between Seamus and Dean face flaming brighter than his hair.

"All right now pair up!"

Harry and Ginny seemed to partner up with each other pretty quickly. So I thought that Luna, and I could partner up together. However, before I had the chance to turn to her she was asked to dance by none other than Neville. A hand was tapped on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Fred Weasley.

"Hello Ms. Granger, how would you like to dance with me this evening?" He asked with an outstretched hand.

I smiled and took his hand "I would love to Fred."

"How do you know I'm not George?" He tilted his head to the side, just a tiny bit and my heart gave a flutter.

"I just do," I winked at him and he pulled me closer. Ugh my heart might have just exploded. I'm not usually the type of person that feels this way towards someone but right now I totally was. I was practically putty in his hands. We talked and laughed together, it was so much fun. All good things have to come to an end, though. We were dismissed once McGonagall thought our dancing was adequate enough so we didn't embarrass the school.

Because classes were cancelled, I decided to take a quick 5 hour trip to the library. I grabbed a couple of books that I thought would occupy me from thinking about Fred Weasley. I just couldn't focus. Mainly because of Krum and his gaggle of fans following him but Fred flittered through my thoughts quite a lot.


I loved how she knew I was Fred. Not George, Fred. I told my brother exactly what I wanted to do and set off to do it. However, when I entered the library, I saw something that hurt my heart. Victor Krum slowly walking towards Hermione. How can I compete with that? I lost all the courage that I had before and ran. I got into the common room and collapsed in a chair. Several people looked up and stared at me, one of them including my sister.

"Hey Ginny, come over here a sec will ya'? I need your help with something."

She looked at me with suspicion in her eyes. "That's never a good statement. The last time I heard those words you asked me to plant a garden gnome in Ron's bed."

I waved my hands around, "that's beside the point I just need your help in asking Hermione to the Yule Ball."

That statement left Ginny in shock. She stuttered for a bit before being able to reply. "You want to do what?" She put up her finger to silence me when I opened my mouth to explain. "Okay, I'll help you. But if you hurt her I will kill you in the slowest way possible!"

I nodded my head and got to talking.

The next day we were all sitting on the Gryffindor table for study hall. Ginny looked over at me and gave me a subtle nod. She packed her stuff up and left so that she could have deniability when Hermione told her about it. Once she was out of the hall I took a spare piece of parchment and wrote on it.

Do you have a date to the Yule Ball yet?

I sent it flying over to Ron who quickly wrote back.


Well you better hurry before all the good ones are gone

Who are you going with then?

I wadded up the parchment and threw it at Hermione.

"Psst! You, me, dance?"

His heart was pounding in his chest. He only had to wait a split second before she broke out into a smile and nodded enthusiastically.

"I would love to Fred."

He smirked at Ron and he turned a ugly purple shade. He was victorious in getting Ron upset and securing Hermione as his date. It was a good day indeed.

Ok so I like this version so much better. It has more detail, yet it still sticks to the story line I wanted. I was supposed to post this yesterday, but you know what school's a bitch. So is life and you know I was stuck in a car for more than 3 hours doing nothing but errands for my mum. The only good thing about yesterday is that my doctor cleared me to walk with my boot. (For people who don't follow me on Wattpad, I had surgery a month or so ago on my foot. It's my last surgery, and I'm so ready to get this thing off my foot.) And for people waiting for the second chapter I will have to post that tomorrow or Saturday because my sister asked me to help her in baking cakes for my nephews birthday party on Sunday.



If I made any mistakes, please let me know in the comment section.


Edit: For some reason the Ask was deleted so I had to rewrite it. My computer must have glitched. Sorry.

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