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This was supposed to be posted two nights ago but I got new nails and kept making all kinds of mistakes.

It has been 2 months since Ron tried to hurt Hermione. He was officially expelled last month but at the request of Hermione he was given a second chance to transfer to a school outside the country. Things started to settle down after he left but she kept getting nightmares and was barely able to get by. She went to Madam Pomfrey, but she can only give so much dreamless sleep seeing as it can be addicting.

Fred and Hermione have taken a break. About a month in he told her that she should focus on herself for the time being. She agreed and so they split ways, they do still talk every day. Hermione and Malfoy have been on good terms since the incident as well. Talking in between classes and studying in the library. It was weird for the rest of the school. They were all used to them fighting so it was a strange sight. She never thought they would have so much in common.

Harry and Ginny have been going strong for the last four months. They don't fight as much as most couples and have attained the nickname "The Golden Couple."

Luna and Neville, who had gone to the Ball together, had split ways. It's mainly because Luna was more interested in Daphne Greengrass, and Neville was almost impossibly in love with Theadore Nott.

Sadly Luna was the only one who had the courage to confess to her crush, now girlfriend. Neville was still terrified of the other boy and refused to go anywhere near him. Not after the time he bumped into him in the middle of the hallway, and Nott gave him the dirtiest look one can give. It completely scared him from going near him. Why he liked him in the first place nobody knows but he insists he's a good guy.

Fred and George are up to more pranks, trying to liven up the mood. Just last week they turned Dumbledore's beard bright green and McGonagall had her entire classroom charmed to the ceiling.

Hermione didn't know what the future held, but she hopes that Fred will be in it. These last few months he's been really kind and patient with her. He even put her health first. She never wants to live life without him, but who knows... You can't predict the future. Not unless you're a seer.

I'm officially signing off of this story. Thank you all for being so patient. If you're interested I have a few ideas for a sequel. But that's only if you guys want it.



If I made any mistakes, please let me know in the comment section.


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