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 I can't believe it! Fred is my date to the Yule Ball! The thought of dancing with him all night was driving me crazy. I didn't even realise I was daydreaming for so long until Ginny shook me from my thoughts. I looked up at her. She was bouncing up and down like a madman.

"What happened to you?" I asked her.

"Harry just asked me if I wanted to go to the Yule ball with him," She was practically squealing.

I was extremely surprised. "Really? Wow, I had no clue he was gonna do that. That's wonderful Ginny! You know, your brother just asked me as well!"

She stopped dancing around and asked "which one?"


She gaped at me and squealed "Oh thank Merlin. I was hoping he would do it soon. He's had a crush on you for forever. You know what this means, shopping time!"

I groaned. It wasn't my favourite thing to do, but I knew it was necessary. "There's a Hogsmeade trip tomorrow," I reminded her "We'll go then. Just remember no boys."

She nodded in agreement and we then went down for dinner.

The next day the three of us (meaning Ginny, Luna, and I) found ourselves in Hogsmeade looking for dresses when we found the perfect store. When we got in Ginny ran off to explore all the choices around us. I knew that she wanted to match Harry's dress robes, so I told her to find something green. Luna had been looking for something yellow. I don't know why though I didn't even know who she was going with. I think it was just because she wanted some colour. I however was looking for something red. I knew that Fred had red dress robes and wanted to match them. Both Luna and Ginny found their dresses pretty quickly. All they were waiting for was me. It took a while but I found a gorgeous dress, one of the prettiest dresses I've seen. We bought our dresses and left to have a wonderful Hogsmead trip.

We had gone to Honeydukes first, then Ginny begged both of us to go into Zonko's joke shop. It was there that we ran into Fred, George, and Lee Jordan who were doing some shopping of their own. I suddenly remember that I had broken my nice quill so we made our way over to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. Afterwards, we went to the 'Three broomsticks' where we ran into Harry, so we asked him to sit with us.

We sat down at a table in the back. We were relaxing and talking when someone came over.

"Hey, Harry!" Said an overly cheerful Cho Chang.

He smiled politely. "Hey Cho."

She looked around at us, "can we talk. Alone?"

Ginny interrupted her "um actually Harry and I were about to go walk around for a bit sorry Chang. Come on Harry."

To be honest he looked a little relieved when Ginny reached for his hand and pulled him out of the room.

Cho's face turned sour "bitch," she muttered.

Luna looked up at her, "I'm sorry but are you talking bad about my friend!"

Cho looked startled as if just remembering we were here "no, I wasn't!" She denied.

Luna scoffed and I rolled my eyes "really because it seems like you were and we don't take that lightly!" I replied. She denied everything and quickly moved back to her table.

"If anything she's the bitch." I choke on my butterbeer and start laughing "oh Luna you're not wrong!"

We got up and left the warm place to look for Harry and Ginny. "Do you think they're snogging?" Asked Luna.

I chuckled, "well you never know!

After thirty minutes we decided to give up looking for them and head back to the castle. When I got back to my room, I flopped on my bed and fell asleep immediately.




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