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*so this is gonna be a short chapter because I'm literally out of ideas ya'll and am just doing whatever, also it's been forever why? well because I had to take a break again. I have not been good mentally and just needed to take a breather away from the story. I'm sorry if it isn't very good.*



Last night was incredible. It was starting to become unbearable to keep my crush on him a secret. It was totally worth it though. The music was fun to dance to and all but nothing could beat that moment with Fred. I wonder what he's doing right now? Is he still asleep, or maybe he woke up early and is thinking about me. Wait... Stop thinking these thoughts Hermione! You don't need to be fangirling over your *sigh* BOYFRIEND! I still can't believe it but you know what happened. Unless it didn't, was this all just a dream? Are we even dating? What if it was a joke? Ugh this sucks. I hate anxiety!

Eventually I made my way down to breakfast (after Ginny basically dragged me out of bed) but the thoughts just kept creeping in the back of my mind. All of the sudden I felt a pair of hands pull me down to the bench right next to... dun dun dun FRED! Ok so it wasn't a dream but still did he change his mind?

"Hello love, how did you sleep?" I slept well. Ok that was a lie last night was the best sleep I've gotten at Hogwarts, or ever.

"Really good. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow."

"Dreaming of me I hope"

I giggled. GIGGLED. Holy crap what is this boy doing to me! So I'm seriously screwed.

"Hermione, can we talk?"

I looked behind me and saw Ron looking at me. I nodded and got up from my seat but not before Fred pressed his lips against my temple. I saw Ron frown but thought nothing of it except that he must not be a fan of PDA. We walked out of the Great Hall and down the corridor. I was a little confused on why he led me down this far but wasn't too worried, he's my best friend. He turned around and looked at me with a hard stare, I was taken aback.

"Ron are you ok?"

He took my shoulders and pressed me up against the wall. I yelped from the sudden movement and he put his hand over my mouth. "Stop acting as if you don't like me" He kept his hand over my mouth and let his free hand roam. He tried to unbutton my blouse but I was wiggling around too much. I bit his hand and he took his hand away from my mouth. He stepped back a bit and I quickly made my escape. I ran down the hallway and into someone, I looked up just enough to see a green tie. Oh no Slytherin, I could hear Ron's thundering footsteps coming closer so I scrambled to my feet and hid behind the person. I didn't know who it was or if they would even help me but I hoped.

"Well well if it isn't the weasel"

Wait a second I know that voice.

"Get away from her Malfoy"

I shrunk even more from hearing his voice. "Well I would but it seems that she came to me this time. Now why don't you kindly piss off."

Ron walked past Malfoy and tried to take hold of my arm but Malfoy kindly stepped in between us. He grabbed Rons collar and pressed him against the wall. I don't know why he was doing this but I wasn't going to complain.

"Granger, get out of here. Go find your boyfriend."

I quickly got to my feet (which I don't even remember falling) and ran to the Great Hall where I found Fred coming out of the door. I barreled into him and put my arms around him.

"Love, what's the matter?"

A broken sob escaped from my mouth and all I managed to say was "Ron" at once Fred was alarmed.

"What did he do? I swear if he touched you at all I will kill him!"

All I could do was sob. I could hear a scuffling from where I had come from but I didn't move. I heard Fred gasp so I looked up and there he was my savior, Draco Malfoy, dragging Ron by the collar. They each had a busted lip but Ron was much more worse and also the fact that his eye started to swell and bruise. He stopped in front of us and threw Ron to the ground.

"Keep this blithering idiot on a tight leash and away from her. I don't want to have to come to her rescue again."

"Hermione go sit next to Ginny ok. I'm going to take care of him."

I surprisingly did what I was told and made my way into the Great Hall. I sat next to Ginny and clung to her.


I'm soooooo sorry this is short. But I have a completely sound reason so just hear me out. I just got out of surgery yesterday and I'm in so much pain right now that I can barely move or type. I'm perfectly fine it was a scheduled surgery so it wasn't because of an accident or anything. This was supposed to be the last chapter but I'm going to stretch for one more. I'm sorry this chapter is LONG overdue.


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