Chapter 8 "Thrills of a Gamer"

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James P.O.V

"Guys come on! I wanna get there before it gets crowded and full of people!" Stephanie yelled.

"Seamus, we better get going before she blows up."

"Just hold on! Damn, I don't want Ein chewing on the wires when we're gone. I'll just move the wires and then Ein can't get them."

"I don't see why you had to fix my set-up for me anyways." I muttered.

"James please, your set-up was a total disaster. I mean, I don't see how someone can deal with a crowded space and so many messed up wires everywhere, it's annoying."

"Well thanks anyways."

"James!!!" She yelled once more.

I groaned, "Fucking calm down, we're going!"

Me and Seamus make our way to the living room where Stephanie was being a pain in the ass and so eager to leave. I don't see why she is in such a rush though, and plus, how many people can their possibly be where she is pressuring us to go?

"Oh my god, finally! Now hurry up, Seamus is driving right?" She said rolling her eyes.

"Damn right, I'm not letting a sixteen year old drive my car."

"Hey, I've got my learners permit."

"Not for long."

She huffed and we made our way into the drive way and buckling up in Seamus car. I took shotgun while Stephanie sat in the back. Seamus pulled out a paper from his pocket passing it back to her.

"This the address?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's it. Perfect."

"So what is this place again, and why exactly are we going there?"

"One, I never told you where we are going, and two, it's a surprise so you'll see when we get there."

He sighed, "Whatever."

It was a thirty minute drive to the place, so I decided to relax in my seat while we listened to some music and Stephanie did whatever while she had her headphones in.

Soon we arrived to a place with very bright and vibrant colors and it was huge. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought this was like a club or some sort of place for gambling and such. Stephanie ran out of the car in amazement while me and Seamus exchanged unsure looks.

"Stephanie, what is this?" I asked not quite sure what we'd be getting ourselves into.

"Why don't we go inside and you can see for yourself."

I let out a breath and we made our way into the building and to my surprise... It wasn't what I thought it was. The building was spread out into many sections and different room, starting from an arcade corner to booths and rooms of new arrivals and series. It was like attending a convention only better. Stephanie squealed and jumped up in excitement as she scanned the room, and she found something that literally broke her.

"Oh my god!!! They have a Gears of War room!! The room is painted in the logo and the xbox and controls are their design, the couches, the rugs, everything! Look at the people playing!"

I laughed, "How do you even know about this place? I've lived here for about two years and I knew Jack shit about this crap."

"I did my research before my mother dropped me off here."

"Of course."

"Hey, I wanted to atleast have fun while I stayed here with you guys! Don't be a buzz kill!"

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