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"I write fanfiction, so what." Cynthia blushes while closing her notebook. The boys just keep making fun her; you walk up behind the boys and tap their shoulders. "Oi, get out of here." You say in a scary tone, causing the boys to nod and walk away. "You don't have to do that every time this happens (Y/N)..." Cynthia says quietly while putting her notebook in her bag. You look at your best friend and sit in the desk in front of her. "Yeah, I know." You start off, "Your my best friend, I do it because I hate to see you hurt." You say with a smile; she smiles back at you then gets out of her desk.

"I'd love to stay, but I have an appointment. Remember to take notes for me and if we get handouts, make sure to photocopy them for me." She smiles then starts walking out of the classroom. You sigh and get out of the desk and sit at your own.

"Great, now I have to last the rest of the day without her. How am I going to last this class?" You huff and get your stuff out for your next lesson, math. 'Great, the block she had to leave. Math.' You then start mentally cursing your best friend. You hated math, you could not stand it.

Time skip

"Cynthia, I swear to god. These notes were a pain to take." You say as you walk into her bedroom. "Nice to see you too." She chuckles then puts down her pen. "So, I got something really cool to show you." Cynthia stands up with a different notebook. "What?" You walk over to her. "My grandmother gave me this notebook, it's really cool, she showed it to me after my appointment today." She flips through empty pages, then she flips to the cover. "She said, it's magic and what you write will come true." You furrow your eyebrows and look at the notebook in disbelief. "Those things don't exist." You say then lay on her bed.

"Don't believe me? Fine I'll show you." Cynthia smirks while opening it then grabbing a pen; writing things down quickly. "Nothing is going to happen Cynthia, you know things like th-" She quiets down as the notebook starts glowing. "W-What did you write?" You stutter while grabbing a hold of your bag. Cynthia grabs her bag also while smirking at you.

Everything goes white and as soon a colour shows up again, you don't look the same. You were in uniforms, your bags have changed into different style, not only that... You both look different.

You take a look around to see you're in front of a big building, not just any building. A gym. You could not believe your eyes. A gym that's in your favourite anime. Haikyuu...

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