The first thing the children explored was the attic. There were old toys scattered on the floor and some of them had their mothers name scribbled on them with colorful crayons. Cathy gazed out the window and noticed a large, wired fence being put up. "Christopher, why do you think they are putting the fence?" asked Cathy. Christopher was setting up a dollhouse for Lucy. He shrugged obviously uninterested. A door suddenly slammed open from downstairs. The children scurried down the stairs, like mice being chased by a cat. The staircase was extremely narrow. When the got to the bedroom area, their mother was their holding a box full of chocolates. "MOMMY!" Screamed the twins and tackled her into a hug. " Children come quick, I stole these chocolates from your grandmother,"
Said Mary giddily, "I hope she doesn't mind the noise but I missed you so much!" The children devoured the chocolates because they didn't have any dinner. Grandmother barged into the room, looking extremely angry. "MARY!" She yelled,"you disobeyed my rules, follow me this instant!" Mary cautiously walked out the door and grandmother locked it behind here. "I can't believe we have to stay up here until mom is put back into grandfathers will!" Cathy huffed. " We probably will leave tomorrow, so calm down and get ready for bed." Christopher said calmly.
1 hour later
Cathy was brushing Lucy's hair on the bed and Peter was coloring a picture for Christopher. The door slowly opened and their mother and grandmother walked in. Mary face was pale and she sat down next to Lucy and forced a smile. "Goodnight children, I love you." She said as she kissed them all on the top of their heads. "Mother are you ok, your face is pale and you have scratches on the back of your neck?" Cathy observed curiously. Mary's hand automatically went to the back of her neck. "It's noth-" she was interrupted by the door slamming open. "Show them." Grandmothers voice boomed throughout the room. "Mother they are only children." Mary said sheepishly. "Show them." She demanded once more. Their mother got up and stood facing away from them. One by one her nimble fingers open each clasp on her silk shirt. The blouse fell to the ground in a pool of baby blue. The kids stared in shock. The twins didn't understand what happened, so they went off and colored some pictures. On Mary's back, were what looked like big scratches. Grandmother grasped a black leather belt in his hands. The two older kids made the connection; she whipped their mother. "Next time you disobey me, this is your punishment." Grandmother said as Mary hurriedly put her shirt on. Grandmother grabbed their mother and pulled her out the door. Once again the door locked behind her. "Christopher, we better get used to this room, because I have a feeling we are going to be in here for a while." Sighed Cathy.

Hidden Secrets
Fanfiction- Based on the book Flowers in the Attic- Ever since there father died, the children of a bombshell mother have been under stress knowing that they may have to move out due to the overdue taxes. There mother has a plan. A plan that may haunt their m...