Hidden feelings.

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    Levi grunted as he watched the blonde closely. He pulled up his mask and begun to reach for the bottle before the blonde asked to come over. He made a sound as if he just bit his tongue. He stared at the blonde before nodding. "Uhh. Yeah! Why not?! We have a lot to catch up on so it's a great opportunity." He smiled sweetly. "Let me just pay for this stuff and we will head to my place. Hange should be there by the time we get to there." He looked to the side before his steely gray eyes pierced into Erwin's icy blue eyes. "It should be fun hopefully." The short man shifted his weight onto his other leg, yawning. "I have to get two more things though then I'll be done. Hange told me that I needed to bring over alcohol and I am running low on some of my 409 cleaner spray."

As Levi attempted to reach for the bottle himself and came closer, Erwin felt his heart skipped and his hair stood on ends. No one could understand his desperate longing to be near Levi again, even if it's just to stand next to the other, it's doing things to his brain and clearly he's not thinking straight.

When Levi agreed in the most awkward manner he's ever seen him do Erwin couldn't help a soft sigh of relief, at least he could keep a watch on the raven with his alcohol for a while, that's what he told himself. "Yes, please do, and this bottle's on me", he raised Levi's favourite wine and waited for the raven to get the rest of his things. He's not sure if any of this is a good idea, but what's done is done, he's going to Levi's place.... shit...

Levi looked at him and frowned and nodded. "Thank you." He grabbed another liquor bottle before walking forward. "Let me get this last thing." He begun to walk to the cleaning isle and he grabbed a few cleaning utensils, setting them in the hand basket. He turned, walking back to the checkout, suddenly forgetting Erwin was there behind him. He was used to being alone. Sadness fell over his eyes again and he held the basket closely. 'Not in public. Not in public. No crying in public.' He should be like his old self. He made a tch sound, shaking his head in anger, still not noticing Erwin.

Erwin frowned a little when the other picked up yet 'another' bottle from the shelve but he kept his worries to himself, he had no right to be overly concerned about Levi's life anymore, he lost that privilege the day he agreed to the breakup.

The blonde followed the other around quietly, not knowing what to small talk about. When the raven suddenly turned and strode towards the checkout his postures became off, his thin shoulders hunched and he was shaking his head in frustration. Erwin raised a brow and caught up with the man, putting a hand on the tense shoulder. "Something wrong?", his voice came out a little too worried than intended.

Levi tapped his foot just slightly before he spun around, glaring darkly before seeing Erwin again, going back into realization. "Erwin... Yes." He stomach begun to have butterflies, feeling the hand on his shoulder. He relaxed against his touch instantly. He placed his cheek on Erwin's hand before quickly snapping his head up. "Yes. I'm fine." He spoke again, looking at him. "Sorry about that. I forgot you were there... I didn't mean to."

The touch burned like fire and Erwin resisted the strong urge to stroke his ex lover's smooth cheek. "Oh, oh it's- it's okay", shit, he stuttered like a childish idiot. The blonde turned away in embarrassment, not wanting Levi to see the impact the other had on him...and also to discreetly check around if anybody saw their interaction. Homosexuality was punishable by law and if they slip up or someone saw that something was off, its easy to get yourself in trouble.

The raven watched him with furrowed eyebrows before the tall man pulled away. The warmth of his hand leaving. He let out a soft whimper before turning and he looked at the ground before looking back at Erwin. You could barely see the blush on his face. His gray eyes looked Erwin from head to toe almost like he was lost in a trance and it was only them before a random man from behind gripped Levi's shoulder, barking. "It's your turn kid!"

Levi turned back into reality before he yanked back before he shoved the man who placed his grimy fingers on his small figure. "I won't allow such a pig to touch me or tell me what to do! Bastard!" He snarled before he walked up to the cashier, slamming his hand basket next to the register. "Hurry up now."

The cashier glared, looking at Erwin as if saying 'Get this bitch under control' as she begun to scan the items.

Erwin's attention was quickly back to Levi when he heard the man shout. He saw the anger in the stranger's face as Levi walked passed him to the cashier, the guy was about to follow the raven when Erwin grabbed his arm. "Sorry, my brother's in a bad mood today, he didn't mean any trouble", he spoke quickly hoping to god this trick would get the situation under control. Luckily the stranger just huffed, mumbling a "fucking idiot" under his breath before walking away to Erwin's relief. He joined Levi at the cashier and nodded an apology at her as the raven placed the bottles on the shelf non too gently. "Just this one for me please", Erwin handed her the wine and gave her a soft smile, hoping it'll make amends on the scene Levi just caused.

Levi was done and he had left to his car, leaving Erwin behind to fend for himself. He finally had a moment to call Hange. He groaned and snatched his phone, hitting 9 for speed dial. The brunette picked up quickly, giving small laughs. "Levi! Hey!" The man suddenly broke down, crying into the phone, making Hange stop laughing instantly. "Levi, what's going on?"

Levi replied with a shaking voice. "Erwin. We bumped into each other! He's coming to my place to hang out with us. I don't think I can handle faking all of this. You know I've been basically stalking him since we broke up..." he sniffled, looking at the liquor bottles. Hange gasped, replying. "Maybe this is your chance to win your man back!" They spoke, trying to get Levi into a lighter mood.

The short man growled in anger. "He's in a relationship shitty glasses! This is going to be terrible! It's been four years since we spoke!" Hange sighed. "Levi, look. I gotta go. I'll see you in a few. I'm talking with Annie. I'll see ya soon. Toughen up sweets." They hung up without waiting for a reply.

Levi quickly pulled off his mask, wiping off his tears quickly, starting the car.

The cashier in the store looked at Erwin before placing it in a bag, smiling just slightly in a flirty way. "Yes sir. That'll be $22.43."

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