So tempting.

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Erwin panicked when the raven suddenly stood and winced with him when his head hit the sink. That must have hurt...god damn it Levi, he's really lost it. Erwin tried to help the man get into the shower but he seemed to manage just fine. The blonde frowned at the way the smaller was stumbling around and ended up sitting on the floor, soaking his shirt wet and that blank stare wasn't encouraging. Erwin couldn't help but glanced at how the wet cotton hugged his lover's body, pink hard nipples can be seen through the white shirt. Fuck, this was not the time to get all hot and bothered, Levi's drunk out of his mind for god's sake..... but he had missed this body for 4 whole years, and that raven calling up to him was not helping.
"I'll go bring you water", he stated simply before turning his heels and walking away. He better walk away or Levi would definitely drag him into it.
Levi let out a soft whine. "No. I want you here..." he spoke softly, his eyes looking Erwin up and down. He didn't know what the hell was going on, my damn did this water feel good. He was completely oblivious to Erwin's dirty thoughts but this must've made it worse... The raven slowly peeled off the boxers that Erwin had dressed him in and tossed that to the corner of the shower, now in a white shirt that hugged onto his small body tightly.
But then his words and expression turned into a seductive glaze. "I want you to join me. If I'm left alone I'd end up doing something really naughty." He purred and bit his lip. Where were these words coming out from? Oh... but a good fuck would be great.
Erwin stopped in his tracks when he heard the whine. Why must the raven be so difficult? No. He mustn't turn around. He can't be giving in to this. When he was about to walk away again the sound of cloth plopping onto the wet floor was heard and it glued his feet to the ground. Fuck. Levi's next words did nothing but add fire to the gasoline.
No. Erwin. Levi's in his sex-drunk mode, he's not in his right mind, you'll be taking advantage of him without his real consent. He tried to convince himself. With jaws locked tight he stood his ground. "I'm getting you water", he repeated and forced his legs to move forward. God damn. This has got to be one of the most difficult thing he had to do in his life. As he reached the toilet door he quickly swung it shut before he could hear anything else that would cloud his mind.
Levi whimpered and watched Erwin closely, his hands shaking slightly. "Erwin... come on. I'm in the moo-" he was cut off by Erwin rejecting him again and leaving. A frown came to Levi's lips and he slumped back, biting his lip. He truly was in the mood... It was uncomfortable really. His eyes wandered around the bathroom before his fingers made their way up his own thighs, touching himself seemed to be the right way to go. If Erwin wasn't coming to his attention he'd just do it himself. It wouldn't kill him to play around with himself, so this was his easiest option.
He rolled his head back to push it against the wall as he gripped his hard cock in his hands, slowly beginning to stroke himself. A moan slipped from his lips as he stroked a bit faster. No, he wasn't going to stop. It was Erwin's fault for leaving him without giving any attention to his needs. "Ah... Er.... Win." He trailed his words into another moan, this time a bit louder and his gray eyes closing.
Erwin grabbed a big bottle of water from the fridge and quickly went back to the toilet. When he's about to open the door he heard it. Oh, shit. How's he going to get out of this if Levi was already jerking himself off? The blonde could feel himself getting hard just from the sounds the other was making through the door. Fuck it, Levi still needed to drink water or he'll pass out again. Gritting this teeth and focusing his thoughts on something else, Erwin turned the knob and stepped inside, the image before him was not far from what he had imagined. Holy mother of restraint, please save him.
Levi had ignored the sound of the door opening and continued on his mission to relieve himself. Moans slipped from his lips as his eyes slowly opened, looking at Erwin with lustful hooded eyes. His small hand worked more faster on himself, making his breathing go faster. "Ngh..." It almost seemed as if he was testing the blonde to see how long he could hold himself together.
Teasing was Levi's best profession when it came to sex. He was irresistible and not many can hold back from the way he looked at others or touched himself. He let out a few more moans, whimpering. "F-Fuck..."
Erwin stood there with a stoic face but a hard as a rock dick. He's so fucked. Breathing in deeply he tried not to look at the other. "Levi, I know what you're trying to do so stop it, and you need to drink up", the blonde said while putting the bottle down next to the shower. He turned back quickly not wanting to show Levi how turned on he was. "I guess you're doing okay, I'll wait outside", he stated and started to walk out. Damn that was too hard.
Levi growled and stopped his movements. "I've been trying to get you to fuck me all morning! You bastard!" He barked, pushing up a bit, flinching as he gripped his cock again, rubbing more and moaning. "You're not helping yourself either. Your pants are tight too. Winn, why aren't you kissing me and fucking me?" He growled. "It's been four years dammit!" He used his free hand to grip the wall, moaning. He couldn't hold in his moans anymore. "J-Just have sex with me... please." He begged.
Levi stopped him again for the second time with his words, steps frozen down to the ground. Well, he's been trying to get the other to remember last night's event all morning too! Fuck! It's hard enough trying to keep his hands off of the raven because he doesn't remember what went down, in his sober state Levi might not want sex with him anymore. "Do you-", the blonde breathed out hard, trying to control his lust, "-do you even remember Marie? My girlfriend?", he grit that out. "And fucking Farlan! And how he ruined everything last night?!", he was pissed now, pissed and horny and frustrated. Turning around to face the troublemaker, a hard frown was present on Erwin's face.
Levi stopped once again and looked at Erwin as he spoke before sighing heavily. He desperately wanted Erwin right now but he just had to make it difficult. "Yes! I remember her! You don't need to bring her up while I'm in this mood dammit! You'll ruin it!" Then he hears about Farlan. Anger clearly showed on his expression.

"Fuck him and his fucked up mind!" He pushed forward a bit, huffing as he was on his knees now. He grabbed Erwin's hand. "Claim me as yours. Knowing that Farlan has touched me like that. Then you and Marie must've had fun." He growled angrily.
Erwin frowned deeply, wanting to shake that hand away in spite when Levi mentioned he had slept with Farlan, but he didn't. "You are drunk. You don't know what you're saying. I am NOT fucking you in this state!", Erwin tried to stand his ground. "And Marie is STILL my girlfriend, I'm not going to do this to her", he had to rub it in, hoping to drill some sense into the man somehow.
Levi stared up at Erwin with growing sad eyes. That hurt. That hurt a lot... "if you love her so much why don't you go back to her?! You fucked me right on the living room couch and in the kitchen! You did it before. Why are you pulling back now?!" He yanked back his hand, tears in his eyes. "How many times are you going to make me cry?"
Erwin nearly regretted everything he said and go hug the raven and apologise so he wouldn't cry, but he didn't. This was good, going in the way he wanted, he needed Levi to snap out of it and come back. "I'm sorry, I hate making you cry, but I'm troubled myself....this is not right Lee", he said this time a little softer, hand that once was holding his lover's swung back to his side dejectedly. He had to keep this cold state although it hurt so bad to see Levi's reaction.
Levi looked away before forcing himself to stand, shutting off the ice cold water and trying not to fall. He begun to unbutton the white shirt and let it fall to the floor with a plop and pulling himself out of the shower, grabbing a towel, wrapping it around himself and rushing into his room, stumbling a bit. "Fuck you!" He yelled and threw a pillow into the hallway.
"It's not my fault! You're the one who had to invite yourself over! Leave me alone and let me get shit-faced drunk! Bastard!" He yelled and threw the towel into the hallway as well to keep Erwin away and he plopped on the bed, pulling the blanket over himself. He was sobering up but he was still having a hard hangover. "Why do you make me love too hard and hate so much?! Why do you do this to me?!"
Erwin had to force himself to stay unmoving and not offer help while Levi stumbled out of the shower passed him into the bedroom. He took the long forgotten water bottle from the floor and started to follow, ducking away from the towel thrown angrily his way. "Drink this at least, when you've sobered up I'll be outside", he muttered with his hand fisted. He hated himself for getting Levi in this state, but it had to be done, if he had gone with the smaller's way nothing good will come of it.
Levi threw his last pillow at Erwin. "Get the fuck out of my room!" He shouted with a soft sob. "You're the reason why I sob every night! I feel useless without you! It's all your fucking fault you mother fucking bitch!" He shouted.

He hid under the blankets, crying into the mattress, his body shaking. "Go away..." he whispered. He was so upset. It was a few minutes later until he fell asleep again. He slept from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm. His eyes opened and he looked around, sniffling. "Winn?..." he grumbled out and sat up. "Erwin?" He spoke a bit louder. Did he leave?... Where did he go? Wait. Dinner. What happened? What time is it?
Erwin simply swat the pillow away, there was zero strength in that throw. Stubbornly walking to the nightstand he placed the water bottle down where the raven can reach. Erwin took it all in, the curses, the anger, the resentment, he deserved it. Levi was rolled up in a ball under the blanket and the blonde could see he was crying. Sighing helplessly he went to check the heater if the temperature was warm enough then had to tore his eyes off of the shaking form, heading back to the kitchen. He sat down, mind blank and face numb. He waited.
A voice shook Erwin out of his slumber. He fell asleep? Levi? Pushing off the table he had fallen asleep on he called out just to make sure. "Levi?"
Levi stood up, realizing he was nude and he frowned, pulling the blanket over his shoulders to cover his body. The raven opened the door to his room, examining the pillow and towel in the hallway. Did they fuck? Must've been good. Levi looked around more before hearing Erwin call for him.

He slowly begun to walk down the stairs, one hand holding the blanket to cover himself and the other gripping the railing. "Babe?" He moved forward more. "Erwin. What the hell happened?..." he frowned slightly, his stare was cold like it used to be when sober. The dark circles around his eyes seemed to have gotten worse.
Erwin turned towards the sound and upon hearing the raven's question he sighed with a heavy heart. Levi doesn't remember... "How are you feeling? Did you drink the water?", he asked in concern, standing up. His voice was rough from lack of sleep and his eyes sunken, the last few days were the most tiring days of his life.
Levi looked at Erwin with a saddening expression. "I didn't see any water. Erwin. Come here." He gestured for him to come over before placing a hand on his cheek, craning his head up. "Go to sleep. Come on. Come back to my room? Why the hell weren't you sleeping... especially with me? Do you have work tomorrow? You need to sleep." Worry was in his eyes and voice. "Please don't argue. I'll ask questions later. You look terrible." He whispered softly.

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