Bus Rides

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Jon's Pov

I started walking out the door to the bus sign at the end of the block. Kids pass me from the right and hit my shoulder a touch. I'm not that muscular like they are so I get pushed to the side a little. They look back at me before scoffing and walking faster to the bus stop. I sigh to myself looking down and then continue my walk.

I finally get in the bus, and wave to a friend of mine, Craig. He sees me and gives me a sign to sit next to him. I oblige and fallow him to a seat two rows in front of the far back, where all the trouble makers seem to sit. "Hey Jon! How's it going?",he asks me looking towards the back at the other kids before meeting my gaze again. "Ohh, it's going good. I think I'm gonna ace today's tests!", I reply in a happy tone.

"Really I didn't even stud-",Craig got cut off by someone touching his shoulder. "What do you want", he asks the people in the back. Who clearly, are snickering at this old gag they do everyday. I breath in and out before making eye contact with the ones responsible. "Ummm, could you guys stop please?", I ask kindly standing up so I could meet their eye. They all exchange glances before looking back at me;they go quite for a moment before pushing me out of the way. I fall back on the person on the opposite side of Craig.

Time seemed to sit still for a moment before I see who I landed on, Ms. Patt, it had to be Ms. Patt. We had our few seconds of stares from the others in the bus before she pushes me off of her. "Jonathan! Come to my room after school today. We'll have a talk about your...detention!", she yells out loud so everyone could hear. I could swear the bus driver herd and shook his head in sympathy. I tried my best to explain the situation, but she wouldn't change her mind. Craig walks up to me and grabs my shoulder, which still felt sore from the other kids just a small while ago. Which makes me flinch in the process. "Hey bud, It'll be alright. Besides doesn't your mother works until 6,so you should have plenty of time to get home and finish yo-",I cut him off. I look down at the ground as we continued to walk out of the bus," my dad'll be home by then." As my voice seemed to quiet at the end of my statement.

Craig nodded he knew about my father and I, and our "history" together. I watch him bite his tongue as we walk into the school like he wanted to tell me something.

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