My First Day...

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! 'first day of school huh...' I got out of bed and changed out of my PJ's. I went out of my room and made my way downstairs to the cafeteria. Next thing I saw was a cue of girls outside the shower room. "Hurry up in there Sissy! Other people need to take showers too!" the girl with small pig tails said. After that, a girl emerged out of the steam from the shower. 'It's that 'sassy' girl I saw yesterday' She was wearing a pink bath robe with... Pink... Bunny... Slippers... I just had to laugh at her footwear.

She looked in my direction, I guess she heard me, "Something funny to you?" daggers glaring from her eyes. "Yeah... nice slippers." She looked down at her feet and realised what I meant. " You better watch who you're talking to Newbie!" then she walked away. ' "Newbie?" who says that now?' I let that jump out of my mind and smirked, continuing to walk.

After got all of my food I looked for a place to sit. "Hey! Crystal! Over here!" I turned around seeing someone waving around like a maniac. It was Odd. I walked over to his table. The others looked up at me, "Morning, is it okay if I sit with you?" "Sure." Ulrich directed me to the seat between him and Yumi, I smiled and sat down and said a quick thanks... Again? "So Crystal," I looked up and paid my attention to Jeremy. "How do you like Kadic so far?" " It's great and it's a whole lot more different than at home, and I do miss my brother." I said fiddling with the sausage and eggs with my fork. "It's okay to feel homesick." Yumi said putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Odd was eyeing my plate, so I slid the tray to him and he dug in.

Ulrich then spoke up, " you have your schedule right?" "um yeah, why?" "can I have a look?" "Sure." I went through my pocket to find the folded piece of paper and I passed it on to him. "Turns out we all have class together." "Really? Cool!" giving him a small smile. We carried on talking and eating when,"Well if it isn't the TroubleMaking Group! Ishiyama, Stern, Della-Robia and Belpois. I see you've got another one in the group, Kim. I've got my eye on you!" doing the action with the 2 fingers pointing his eyes and then pointing a us. Each one of us kept looking at one another, "I dont understand, 'Troublemakers'?"

~After School~ (After school clubs start)

Gym/Dance outfit:

I walked in to the gym, wondering if I could let off some steam

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I walked in to the gym, wondering if I could let off some steam. I set my bag and my portable speaker to the side, and I took off my shoes starting my warm-up. I finished my warm-up and put on a random song and I started dancing:

A/N: concentrate of the choreography and forget the vocal people. Sorry Infinite!!!

The music ended, I finished lying on the floor. I heard... Clapping? I stood up and turned around and saw Jim and... Ulrich still clapping. I blushed tomato red, "Mianhae (Sorry), i thought the gym was free, I'll go now." I said bowing. Jim started laughing, "Don't be, Pencak Silat practice doesn't start until 8, it's 7:30. You have every right to use this open space. Did you come up with that routine?" I nodded. I noticed Ulrich staring and smiling at me the whole time, when I looked at him, he directed his eyes to something else.

"Ah... I remember when I was a professional dancer..." Jim exclaimed. "You were a professional dancer?" me and Ulrich said in a unison. "Well yeah. But I'd rather not talk about it... Well, I better get the mats ready." Jim went out to get the mats, and it was just me and Ulrich having an awkward silence. So I decided to break it, "So... You do Pencak Silat huh?" "Yeah, do you?" "Sort of, I did Karate." "Wanna see who's better?" Ulrich asked. "You mean, you want to spar with me?" I said raising my eyebrows.

I took off my shoes and I got in to my fighting stance and so did Ulrich. Ulrich made the first move with a punch and I held his fist, while using my free hand to punch, he caught my fist as well. We kept doing out fighting routine and everytime I do a certain move, at the same time Ulrich does the same, like he's mimicking my every move. So, I decided to end it, I caught his fist again and I flipped him over, landing on his back. "I win..." I helped him up and we were out of breath. I packed my belongings, "Well I'll see y-" I tripped on one of the mats that Jim took in. I fell forward waiting for the impact but felt... Nothing? I look up and see Ulrich a couple of inches away from my face. He helped my up and we both blushed deep crimson. "Thanks..." I whispered, "Bye..." he said in the same volume. I rushed back to my dorm. 'Why is my heart rushing?'

It's 8:45, and I decided to take a quick shower to relax and get my mind off things. I came out and I was dressed in my pyjamas: a loose sleeveless hoodie and grey shorts. I jumped on my bed staring at the ceiling re thinking about what happened. Eventually, I eventually drifted off to sleep.

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