Chapter 31

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Tess Harding was an alien.

Just like her brother and Michael. Just like her.

Max had been distant after returning from his rather lengthy absence after answering the knock at the door, so the discussion with Tess had more or less started to ebb out into nothingness. Apparently, Tess didn't know much more than they did about their origin. Or at least, that's what she claimed.

Isabel felt like she should distrust Tess, like Max and Michael done so easily, but she had also known Tess from before and had built up a kinship with the girl. And after figuring out who Tess was, there was even more reason to keep Tess in her life; Isabel finally had an alien female friend. Someone who knew what it was like to not be able to tell a boyfriend the reason why the sex was 'out of this world' or why she needed to put sweetener into everything. Max and Michael had the same affiliation, only with Tabasco. But she had never discussed sex with them. The mere thought made her cringe.

Maria had shared a detail or two about the sensation of having sex with Michael which had led Isabel to believe that the extraordinary sensations in her sex-life was because of her alien origin and not because of some fantastic sexual capabilities.

But with Tess, there was the possibility of figuring out all these things first-hand. Without the gender issue getting in the way.

That is, if she could trust Tess.

And then there was Liz.

Max had been more annoying than usual, constantly on her case. "How's Liz?", "Was Liz at work today?", "Does she seem okay?", "Is she acting differently around you?" etc. etc. For some reason, her brother had gotten it into his head that he shouldn't see Liz for awhile. He was very reluctant to share the reason behind this with his sister. Judging by how distracted Max had become after answering the door in the middle of their meeting with Tess, Isabel had a good guess as to who had been on the other side of the door.

Her brother aside, Michael was also on her case, trying to get her to explain to him why Max hadn't set up a meeting with Liz yet. Michael wanted to know if he should leave the country, or something. Something that could only be decided once he had met and evaluated Liz Parker.

Isabel sighed and poured the hot coffee into her cup. Why was she always the meddler?

"Hey, Isabel."

Speak of the devil. Or the human.

Isabel turned and saw Liz in the doorway of the small office kitchen. "Hi, Liz."

"How are you?"

Isabel smiled. "I'm fine." Isabel took a close look at Liz as she stepped further into the kitchen area, pulling out an assortment of tea bags to make a choice of flavor. She noted the remnant of the bruise across Liz's nose and spanning her cheek, which was now a faint yellow color. "Your face is healing up nicely."

"Yeah," Liz nodded and gave her a weak smile.

"Have they set a date yet?" A date for the hearing.

Liz shook her head. "No."

Isabel frowned. Liz was not acting her normal open self. "What's up?"

Liz's eyes flickered to her before refocusing on pouring hot water through the tea bag in her cup. "I'm sure Max has told you..."

Isabel almost sighed in exasperation. She was sure that Max had indeed not told her whatever it was Liz thought Max had told his sister. Liz didn't know Max that well yet. Max was the type that would 'happily' keep information from you if there was a risk that it might scare you or harm you in any way. Sometimes Isabel wondered if Max got a kick out of putting all the worries of the world on his own shoulders instead of asking for help.

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