Chapter 59

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"Quite the magic trick, huh?" Liz said with attempted lightness, even though her worried eyes on his face revealed what she was really feeling after Max's bloody display.

Alex looked down at her hands, colored in red just a couple of minutes ago, and wondered if the blood was still there. If Isabel waving her hand over Liz's palms had really washed Liz's hands or just made the blood invisible. He swallowed against the impending nausea and forced his eyes back to Liz's face. She was pale, her eyes guarded as she searched his face.

"Yeah," he managed to whisper, mostly to throw her a bone because she looked as bad as he felt.

"Only it's not magic," Liz added slowly.

"How-" Alex wetted his lips. "How are they doing that? How is it possible?"

Being two intellectuals, Alex and Liz were always concerned with the 'how' and 'why'. They needed facts, details, and were prepared to take things apart to see how they worked. But he couldn't very well take Max apart. Or Isabel.

A chill rushed through him, startling him with its abruptness, as he realized that maybe that was exactly what the FBI was aiming to do.

Take them apart.

"Their souls - their alien essence - were placed inside brain-dead human children. Children who were taken off life-support and were not going to survive." Liz's dark eyes looked up at him, still searching for answers - for approval - on his face. "So their bodies are human, but their alien essence rewires their brains differently. Enables them to have special abilities."

Magic, Alex thought grimly.

He got the mental image of federal agents digging into Isabel's brain and he shuddered. But the mystery still remained, "Why are the FBI after you? I can see now why they would want to capture and 'investigate' the aliens further, but why you? You're human."

"Because I might have answers. I think-" she paused to distractedly chew on her bottom lip, "I think they're afraid of Max and the rest. They only have suspicions, theories, but they are not really sure if Max would annihilate them upon capture. I was an easier and safer target."

She paused, before starting to turn around in her seated position on the floor. "Let me show you something." Her back was turned towards him and he watched her pull her shirt up to the middle of her shoulder blades.

Alex felt the blood leave his face.

The writing was faint, as if it had been scrubbed and scrubbed in a frustrated effort of removal, but the permanent marker still disfigured her pale skin.


"A reminder from the FBI," Liz whispered as he read the handwritten capitals.

He felt cold all over as Liz let her shirt fall back down to cover the words and turned around to face him again.

"What happened? What you mentioned at that gas station... You being kidnapped and...drugged?"

Liz nodded. "They did. They kidnapped me and gave me some truth serum-"

He shook his head. "No, there's no such thing."

"I guess there is."

"So you told them everything you know - about the...aliens?" The word 'alien' felt ridiculously foreign in his mouth.

"I don't know," Liz whispered, dropping her eyes as if ashamed. "I can't remember what happened or what they asked me."

"They gave you something to forget?" Alex said, more like an obvious statement than a question.

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