. a nəw мəмвər alərт!

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Name; Liam Payne

Occupation; Senator's Personal Assistant

Nickname; Baby Spade. Spade Snatcher. Li.

Info; Call me Liam, I am pretty much the Senator's bitch. Sometimes I don't mind because it's a really interesting gig. Benefits are especially a bonus, and I'm hopelessly in love with Senator Pasdar. A fetish for not only older guys but politicians.

Name; Justin Hartley

Occupation; Student. Marine Biologist

Nickname; JT. Mermaid

Info; A normal struggling student that's trying to make an honest living. I'm gentle as they come. I rather break up a fight then start one. You can say I'm shy, but I do have a mouth piece. When I use my mouth piece you'd better pay attention. I have no problem cutting negative people out of my life.

Name; Aaron Blake ( Played by Ian Harding, yes he needed a name change. )

Occupation; College Professor

Nickname; Professor Jacks. Professor Love.

Info; I'm the nerd. I am, but I'm a sexy nerd when I have to wear my glasses. I love school, I love teaching, and I love the impossible. Life is not hard unless you make it that way. Live carefree and fun will come easily! I can't wait to fall in love ;)

Name; Dejan Tubic

Occupation; Choreographer

Nickname; The Red Queen. Dej.

Info; I love my life, I love me, & I love people. Although the human race in general could use an update, we're all still human nonetheless. Dancing is my art, my emotions, my expression. Without dance, I'd still be searching for who I am. I'm very sensitive and sentimental. Call me a hippie, who cares. Peace man!

Name; Dr. Jeremiah Avery ( This is Jesse Williams, based on Grey's Anatomy Jackson Avery, yes he needed a name change. lol! )

Occupation; Heart Surgeon. Cardiologist

Nickname; Dr. Love. Jay.

Info; Don't ask, cause I won't tell. It's none of your damn business!

Name; Daniel Rick Sunjata

Occupation; S.O.B.E Life Water ( C.E.O. )

Nickname; Brown Fox. Ricky

Info; A classic Native American with a knack for outdoors. I love this world that was given to us and I intend to enjoy it. I kind of go with the flow most times, but I can be a bit cheeky. ( He laughs. )


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Nickname: ( depends really )

Info: ( talk as if you are them. )



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