When I See You, I Need You ( Chapter 10 )

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The Next Morning ...

The Quiet Room

Milo slid from beneath the cocoon of Dejan And Kellan. He was probably the only morning riser, everyone else usually slept in till about 11. He was up at 6 promptly every morning. After staring at the beautiful men that garnished the bed he fell into his morning routine. He found an empty bathroom and did his morning grooming. He grabbed his shoes and cell phone and walked quietly through the house until he made it outside.

He enjoyed watching the morning come in, marveled at the peacefulness, and appreciated the morning animals calls. He looked down at the annoying phone at hit his speed dial. If JT caught him with his phone to his ear he'd surely be dead later. One ring, and like always they answered at the same time.

"This is Damien, this is Niall." He could hear the grogginess in their voices.

"Morning lads. I called for a favor actually. I have a friend flying in today." Milo smirked knowing exactly what he had done.

"Chris Salvatore." Niall exclaimed.

"We know Mr. Ventimiglia, his flight arrives in-"

"2 hours. We are to set him up in the townhouse and apologize profusely on your behalf." Niall finished.

"Don't get any ideas." Milo said meaning the exact opposite. Chris was actually a treat for his favorite twins.

"How long will your stay be?" Damien asked.

"Only a couple more days. We can't be gone too long. Stay on top of it guys. I'll call when we're on our way back in." Milo ended the call easily.

He stepped back inside And found the oversized kitchen. Ricky was good to his parents. Figured he'd go on ahead and get breakfast started, before he could find anything Rick's Mom found him in the kitchen. She had the brightest smile on her face.

"Svnalei ostu. (Good morning) I thought it'd be you out of the bunch. You are a very caring and kind young man Milo." Milo smiled.

"I was going to try and start breakfast."

"No you are guests. Go back upstairs to your love nest. Love on them some more. They need that security from you."

"Are you sure, I have no problem helping." She laughed softly.

"Go." Milo gave her his boyish smile and nodded to her as he traveled quietly back to the room.

Dejan had curled up into a fetal position like that of a child. Kellan decided to stretch out, laying on his belly like a massive beast taking up all the space. Milo pondered if it would stay like this forever, would they love each other as they do 10 more years from now. Seriously how long would their trio of a relationship would last? Kellan yawned lifting his head peeking over at Milo.

"Your overthinking it again. Rule#51. Get in the bed baby." Milo pulled his shirt off and slipped his shoes beneath the bed.

He squeezed back into the center of the bed. Dejan turned towards him cuddling up beneath his right arm. He layed his left arm out and Kell used it as a pillow. Before he found himself sleep again he heard Kellan mutter, "I be damned if I'm going outside today."


The Wrong Room

How did AD, AP, and Liam end up in the same room, the world of karma may never know. The three of them all tossed and turned the whole night. Adrien more then them because he only wanted to be near or inside his Brown Fox. Adrian acted as if Liam doesn't exist so the atmosphere is beyond clouded with tension. Liam slept on a pallet of traditional native furs next to the bed AD and AP had decided to share. They all had a shiftless night, when morning rose it got no better. They were just awake and breathing together in the room. Adrien sighed as loudly as possible.

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