Yandere! Karma x Reader

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Me and Karma have been friends for a while now. But over the past few months he's been getting jealous over the littlest things. Like if I hang out with another guy he gets super salty and starts going off on me. Today was no different, he saw me hanging out with Nagisa so right now he's dragging me off into the woods. "God Karma calm down we were just talking!" I try to reason. "(Y/N) I love you." My eyes widen. Is this the reason for his actions? "I-I-I K-Karma this is ummm quite random..." I mutter. "Do you love me (Y/N)?" Karma questions. "I-I mean I g-guess..." I don't know how to answer that! "I'll make sure I'm the only one." He than let's go of me and walks off in the other direction. What the hell just happened!? I try to push it off and go home but I can't help but bring my mind back to that one phrases, "I love you." Why? I still don't understand. I found it hard to sleep. It was as if the words were haunting me. Eventually I did fall asleep but I don't remember when. I woke up with a off feeling in my stomach, I was still nervous because of yesterday. I get ready anyway and start waking to school. As I'm walking up the mountain I start to question if I should even come to school today. But I convinced myself I needed to in order to get answers from Karma. He must of been joking, I mean... my thought was cut off when pungent a smell hit my nose. The closer I get to the building, the worse it smells. God what did Koro-sensei cook up this time? I laugh to my self quietly. I continue to walk towards the building but I stop once I reach the door, it smells so bad! It's almost as something died in there. Something did in there, my grades. Anyway this is not the time for jokes. I open the door readied to be greeted by a empty room, but no. Karma was in there... surrounded by the dead bodies of my peers. I cover my mouth so I don't throw up all over the crime scene. I stand there in shock, I can't move. I know I should... but I can't. My eyes widen farther the closer he steps towards me. He grabbed onto my arm dragged me outside. I regained my senses and start to pull and tug trying to get away. But his grip stays tight and continues to drag me into a neighborhood. I scream out for help but no one hears me. It feels like I'm about to have a heart attack. Tears stream down my cheeks as I continue to yell. His smirk grows wider the more I scream. We reached a large house, which I assumed was his. I start to pull harder and harder but I can't break free. My lungs and throat burn from the screaming. He roughly throws me in his house and pins me on the floor. My eyes are red and puffy from the crying. "You're mine now. If you try to leave I'll kill you." He smiles down at me, as if I were his new toy. He started to lean down toward my face, he got so close I could feel his breath on my lips. I close my eyes tightly and wait for the soon to come contact. And sure enough it came, I felt a soft pair of lips connecting with mine. All I could do was sit there and endure it. After all this is my fate now.

(I made so many errors in this one so I fixed it. Sorry if there's still some in there)

I'm sorry that took so long XD ANYWAY! Next I'm probably gonna make a Karma x Depressed! Reader! So be Reader for that XD

Karma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now