Pervert! Karma x Innocent! Reader

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This is a request, so I hope you like it~

It was (Y/N)'s first day joining E-class, and so far it wasn't going good. She has been harassed by a multitude of boys, including the red headed devil. It started of with simple teasing but spiraled off into something much more... perverted. The first instance was when he lifted her skirt and said, "Wow~ pink today huh?" It continued from there, the last action being Karma learning over and whispering someone into (Y/N)'s ear. Her response was "I don't even know what half of that means!" I don't think anyone wants to know what he said. All this brings us to the current event, Karma pinning poor, poor (Y/N) to a wall.
"You're too cute (Y/N)~ I just wanna squeeze all that innocence right out of you!" (Y/N) visibly paled at this statement. "W-what does that mean?! A-are you going to hold me till I die? EEEEKKKK!" And with that, she was gone. But even those fast legs couldn't keep her from Karma's ruinous ways. As soon as (Y/N) stopped to take a breathe, Karma was there. "AHHH! How did you find me?!"
"Oh well I found you a while ago. I just wanted to watch your boobs jiggle as you ran~" (Y/N), again, paled. "Y-y-you... PERVERT!!" Karma leaned in and whispered, "that's right. And no one can save you from me now~"
"EEEEEKKKKK!" Out of interest, Karma reached over and grabbed one of poor (Y/N)'s boobs. "Hmmm this is even better than watching!" The girl tried to scooch away, but he just followed. "T-this is sexual harassment!"
"What do you mean? You don't like it? Don't you like me?" (Y/N) blushed. "W-well.. ya I like you.. but not in this way!" Karma stood up and started heading back to the classroom. "Tell ya what, I'll buy you a popsicle." His eyebrows wiggled as he said it. (Y/N) just smiled and followed. "Ok!" God, this poor, poor innocent soul.

It was getting too rapey I had to tone it down lol.

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