Chapter Nine

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I woke up a few hours later in the early afternoon. The apartment sounded quiet so I assumed Sherlock wasn't home. As I walked down the stairs, I realised that my assumption was correct. I was hungry so I went to the fridge and a horrid smell filled my nose. I picked up a jar and examined it. Then I realised what was inside, eyes. I screamed and dropped the jar on the floor. It smashed and eyes rolled across the floor. Why did Sherlock keep eyes in the fridge?

Mrs Hudson heard me scream and ran up the stairs to see if everything was okay. "Not really," I answered. "There was a jar of eyes in the fridge and now they're on the floor. Do you have a broom?" Mrs Hudson sighed, went downstairs and got me a broom. "Why does he have... eyes in the fridge?"

"God knows dear." I swept up all of the eyes and the broken glass into a dustpan and threw them away. 

I didn't want to know what else was in the fridge so I decided to go next door to the cafe. As I stepped out of the apartment, a woman stood at the steps. "Sorry, Sherlock isn't here right now." I said.

"I'm not here for Sherlock, Miss Holmes." She said. The woman had long brown hair and was dressed smartly. "How do you know my name?"

"Mr Holmes knows everything Miss."

"Is Sherlock trying to find more about my mother because I swear to-"

"The other Holmes Miss. Your uncle Mycroft Holmes. He had requested to see you." The woman looked towards a fancy black car that was sat outside the apartment. I didn't know I had an uncle. "How can I trust you? Who are you?"

"You can't but your uncle is waiting Miss." I gave in and sat in the car. I hoped I wasn't being taken to my death or something. "And my name is Anthea."

Anthea didn't speak to me the whole ride. She was on her phone the whole time. We pulled up outside an abandoned building. I rolled my eyes and wondered what I was getting myself into. "This way." Anthea said as I got out of the car. She led me into the building then left me at the entrance. I walked further inside and looked around. The walls were damp and grey. The building had to have been abandoned for years. "Dear God, you look like him as well." A sarcastic voice exclaimed. A man stood behind me. He was dressed in an expensive suit and leaned on an umbrella. "You must be Alice."

"And you are?" I asked.

"I'm Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's older brother." So it was true. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Meaning you looked me up." Mycroft looked at me confused. "The black car, the fancy suit that only important people wear. You seriously think that I didn't know you were important? Anyone with this kind of lifestyle would look up who they're meeting." He looked impressed.

"You sound like him as well."

"I hope not."

"You don't get along?"

"What do you think?"

"Sherlock's never been a people person. When he found out about you he was angry. He didn't want anything to do with a child."

"I can tell." I mumbled.

"Anyway, I'm not here to talk about Sherlock. I needed to meet you and talk to you about an important matter."

"Which is?"

"Your stalker." I sighed. I was tired of thinking about it. It made me think about my mother more. "Sherlock tells me that your mother was killed by whoever is doing this." I nodded. "She's not part of the group, no matter what Sherlock says." Finally, someone who agreed with me. "Hannah was never part of any group or gang of any kind. But I have a feeling that she was targetted to get to you. The question is, dear niece: Why?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You'll work it out."

"So you've worked out who's done this then?"

"Not yet. But I'm closer than the police." I laughed slightly.

"You better be going dear niece. But it was nice meeting you. I hope to see you soon."

I walked back to the car where Anthea was already inside. I sat inside myself and the car drove away from the building. I prefered my uncle to my own father. Hopefully I could have convinced Sherlock that my mother wasn't part of this gang.

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