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Hello there people and welcome to this story, I'm only doing this intro once, I just wanted to remind everyone of the content of the story!! It may contain personal things to many to descration is adviced!-----
    Brother... Those words just keep on repeating over and over in my mind, it's not bad enough that I keep having nightmares but even at day I can see him. That awful picture stood still in my min--
" hey umm Dr. You ok there?" Asked an irritated woman waiving her hand in front of my face.
" umm, oh yeah and stop waiving things in front of my face will ya!!" I said standing up and walking over to the window, taking notice of all the people walking.. There were little kids running out while their parents chaced after them, or other not even caring.
" you are not ok, come on Dr. You have been acting weird ever since last week.... Is something wrong?" The same woman asked again, this time having a caring expression.
" like I said Lyra I'm fine, either way why do you care..?" I said walking away from the window now looking down at her, and yes she was way smaller than me but that doesnt matter..
" I care because im your god damm partner, and I need to know if something is wrong!!" She answer crossing her arms with annoyance.

" just forget it ok..? Either way you are about to find out very soon!" I said while I walk out of the room with a smirk leaving Lyra there with a questioned face..
"Hey don't just leave, come back!!" She said while running after me.
*This is gonna be fun*

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