Book: Angel

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This may not go with the plot or MR but I got board so just throwing in some random little clips. As you can see this is from the book Angel.

Fang POV

So the gang and I were walking around the streets to find any sign of the Doomsday Group. I'll admit it was getting a little boring. The most we were seeing was posters that said stuff like, the one light.
You could tell that the fl- gang was getting board also. When Star said something snide Rachet barely acknowledged the comment. I looked down at Ma--Maya. The fact she looked that way still tricked me. I still wish Max was here with me. She was my best friend. The person I could always trust. And I knew now that if I ever sa her again I probably wouldn't live through it. I mean it too. 
And when I saw erasers fighting a girl two blocks away I wanted to help her to feel connected to Max. Like when even after my telling her it was not a good idea she helped Ella. And now her and Iggy kind of liked each other. Then I said to the gang,"Erasers at 12:00 o'clock." They were all more than eager to do something interesting. "That girl seems to be holding her own," Maya replied with reluctance as she looked over there. That was one thing that was different about her and Max. Max would have helped without a seconds thought. So we rushed over there to help. I took on two whole the rest took on one. The girl still had three on her but we would get to that soon.
I risked a look at the girl. She had her black hood up so I didn't get a good look at her but I saw an eraser take his claws on her face. Blood stained the concrete. I heard her grumble,"You're gonna regret that." And that cost me. The eraser punched me in the gut I went oof! And I saw Maya above me putting a hurting on the eraser.
Wait... that wasn't Maya. There was only one person that fought like that, only one person that even when I left alway had my back. Even if I didn't have theirs. Max.


I was doing perfectly fine fighting these erasers and all of a sudden these people start helping me. Like if your me that put a real hurting on my ego. But me being nice Max I let them have a few. I heard and oof sound and saw my ex on the ground and trust me I wanted to just take off and leave them all right there but he still Fang. My (at least used to be) best friend. So I helped him out by beating up the eraser that did that. I hoped he wasn't hurt to bad because then I might actually feel bad later after I kill him. Nah.
*after fight*
"Well its fancy seeing you here," I said to Fang through clenched teeth. We both new what this meant. Just like in the old days when we'd argue over something then fight it out. I got in my fighting position. Then this questionable looking character said,"Bro, he could probably kill you if he wanted too I'd get out of here if I was you." I did the classic sardonic laughter that even Fang knew he just set me up for something,"If I wanted to die I'd jump from your ego down to your IQ level," Let's just say he wasn't laughing. "And you," I said to Fang. For the past--who knows how long--I've barely been able to say his name without screaming at everyone or crying till I got dehydrated. But now I was not going to seem weak to someone who hurt me so deeply. I know this is surprising but I play snobbish and arrogant really well. Then I sneered,"I guess I'll let you go this time. I would want your new flock to see you to get beat up." I knew fang knew me so well he got the fact that I totally saying you left the flock, you family, most importantly me to be with a few higher schoolers and my clone??!!! I know how would you get that out of what I said but like I said he can basically read my mind as well as Angel. Kind of creepy.
"Max" said Fang. "Max. That's all you've got say, well I all I've got to say is it? Well FANG!! REALITY CHECK BUT YOU DONT GET TO USE SYMPATHY ON ME ANYMORE!" I screamed at him. Then next thing I said was so much more quiet where only he could hear,"Fang if you haven't figure this out by now, I rarely forgive and never ever forget. You ripped out my heart and stomped on it with my clone, that hurt more than any pain you've ever felt," they last part was so quiet I might have imagined it. The Fang's started steady then slowly increased,"You think that didn't hurt me either? Really? You think that didn't hurt me at all?!" "Bye Fang I'm done with all this," I gestured at him and me. I started walking then increased to running so I could take off.  I heard,"MAX" I skidded to a stop. I saw Fang and his gang silent and shocked. I did one last farewell,"Fang when you talk about me speak about when we were best friends, not when we were at each other's throats like this."

Fang's POV

"Remember as your best friend, the person you'd throw yourself in front of a train for, the person you'd know would always have your back." Max had shouted that to me. I wasn't gonna leave her hanging. I yelled back,"Oh Max, we will see each other again! Trust me on this one!" "Oh you know trouble always meets, see ya!" She yelled back at me. One tear streaked down her cheek. I knew that was for me and only me to see. And she knew we would always find each other if we wanted. She started running and took off. I watched till she was a speck in the sky that you couldn't tell from a cloud.

Well ya know I hated it when max and fang fight but honestly I'm like slay max! And it didn't seem to bad. Btw I hit 1000 words!! Wohoooo! PEACE OUT till later peeps!

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