Book: Why do I even try anymore

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So the flock and I haven't been attacked   by erasers for 2 months. It's very boring in my opinion. I mean it's nice not being attacked but, we have a house and it's so boring. Nothing has been happening. Nudge has been talking to me (not that she ever stops) and she got through the to me. I bet your thinking 'oh gosh' well it might just be a good  idea. I'm going to start Max's homeschooling!
Yeah I'm about as stoked as you are but, it's better than nothing! I think.....
So I'm gonna break the news.
"Flock meeting!" I yelled through our gloomy, boring house.
Everyone scattered to living room. I counted heads, 1, 2, 3, 4......
"Gasman!" I roared as I walked over to the kitchen. I almost tripped over something and I looked up as a bucket of green goo was dumped onto me.
I snapped my head around to find 5 people laughing their heads off.
I snapped "Now it's not a choice we are having school whether you like it or not!" I ran outside unfurled my wings and shot into the air. Realizing I was still dripping in this crap I saw a lake.
The flock could deal with out me for an hour.
I shot downward at 200 mph. At the last moment my wings caught me like sails and I landed in the lake.
Since it was summer it was nice and warm. I dunked my head underwater, running my fingers through my chocolatey, brown hair.
It didn't come out to easy so I scrubbed aggressively. I swam through a little to get the goo of my body. I was thinking about the-- thing that happened. They must've all been in on it. Oh they were gonna love Max's school. Ha more like boot camp.
I chuckled to myself. I hopped out of the lake and flew to the nearest town. I assumed that the wind would dry my clothes. Let's just say I assumed wrong. My clothes were a damp mess sticking to me like glue.
I didn't care though. I walked into the nearest book store and bought some useful school books. I put them in a bag and checked out.

Fang's POV

Since Max had flown off from the prank, we decided to clean up. Well, Angel made Gazzy and Iggy clean up and we all helped.
Max was going to be so angry with us. I'm no sure if it was worth it just yet.
"I don't wanna go to school!" Gasman whined as he scrubbed the goo off the floor.
"Well, it was very rude to do that to Max!" Angel shot back. "She is probably planning it right now! Only if you guys wouldn't have done that then she might not be so mad!"
"How would you know Angel, your only--" Gasman stopped short as he remembered if anyone knew it would be Angel, because she's the mind reader.

*time lapse*

"Fang, its nighttime and Max still isn't back yet. What are we gonna do? What if something bad happened? Or what if she decided she didn't want to--" Nudge rambled as Iggy slapped a hand over her mouth.
"I'm sure she's alright, just got a little side tracked. If she's not back by morning then we'll look," I told Nudge to get her to calm down. Max better get back soon this was hard to be in charge and have to talk a lot.
"Get to bed," I told the flock as I walked to my own room. As my head hit the pillow I just laid there, then finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to find no Max. I walked around the house getting everybody up to get ready to look for Max. I would never admit it but I was worried. Max always came home. There was no reason she would be gone. We were all in the living room so I was gonna keep it brief for the little ones.
"We need to go around town looking for Max," I said very briefly.
Iggy looked distressed, Nudge worried. Angel and Gazzy didn't really understand. "Get ready," I muttered.

Angel went with me, Gazzy with Iggy, and Nudge agreed to stay home and hack some satellites and check the area. Each group got a walkie-talkie. Nudge walked over to the computer to do her thing and the rest of us took off. We split to each side of town.
Angel and I were walking in and out of stores. On streets, everywhere. So far, no Max.
"Umm.... Fang," I heard Nudge's voice on the other line.
"Did you find anything,"I said into the walkie talkie.
"Max, um she's in the supermarket just walked in. I lost eyes on her."
"Are you sure it's her?"
Iggy didn't shoot in and say anything to cheer us up. It's good, we found Max but if she's doing something normal, something's definitely up.
I saw Ig and Gaz a few blocks down. We going to same place, where Max was.
I walked in and saw a almost too familiar brown-headed girl walking around the store with a shopping cart. I causally walked over to her and said,"Hey Max,"
"Who the heck are you!" She whipped to me her eyes softening a little bit but hardening real fast.
"What the-"

Cliffie!! Well there is gonna be a part 2 just letting ya know!! That's me keeping you in the edge of ya seat! PEACE!


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