boomerang | 065

525 21 2

prompt: "everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy"

fancy a date?
- D

you almost laughed out loud at the text you had received. a few weeks ago, you were out shopping for some new clothes when you had bumped into a guy who seemed to be rushing out of the store you were in. you soon realised why he was rushing, as lots of items fell out of his jacket which you guessed he hadn't paid for. a security guard came up to the two of you and asked you if the items had come from the guy. for some reason, you lied and said you had accidentally dropped them.

the guy thanked you and introduced himself, his name was digger and you could almost instantly tell he was from australia. after small conversation, the two of you exchanged numbers and he left the store, not before picking up the items he had dropped.

the two of you had been texting non stop, with occasional phone calls here and there. your mind wandered back to the text you had just received, and the smile made its way back onto your face.

"what're you smiling at?" your friend asked.

you had gone for a meal with a couple of friends, to have a catch up as you had all been busy lately.

"is it that guy you told me about? the one you had met whilst he was shoplifting?" another friend asked, whilst raising an eyebrow.

"he's actually kinda nice, and he makes me laugh! he's not as bad as you think" you defended, locking your phone as you decided to reply later.

"what's his name?" another friend piped in.

"digger.. digger harkness i think" you replied casually.

the table went silent as all your friends looked at you shocked, making you confused.

"oh my god y/n you cannot like him!" your friend exclaimed.

"why not?" you asked her.

"do you ever watch the news? he robs a new place everyday! he's bad news y/n" another friend told you.

you were slightly shocked, but you already knew about his criminal background. due to the fact you had met him whilst he was stealing and he had also mentioned that he stole things from time to time, you just didn't expect it to be everyday.

"he's a bad guy y/n, seriously! don't talk to him"

all you other friends nodded their heads in agreement, making you feel quite annoyed and confused. regardless, you unlocked your phone and messaged digger, telling him you wanted to go on a date with him.


you arrived home and collapsed on the couch, your feet were killing from the heels you had been wearing all day long and your makeup had been smudged. you were ready to get in bed, watch a movie and sleep.

as you were changing into your pyjama's, your phone dinged making your head snap towards it. your lock screen lit up, showing you a text you had just received.


great! how about lunch tomorrow? at (random restaurant name)? i'm paying.

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