I'll Hold Your Bangs

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note: this chapter contains alcohol and stuffs so don't read if you're sensitive

Anxiety feels like death. Well, he usually does, but not as bad as this morning.

As he sits up in bed, rubbing his temple, he tries to piece together what had happened last night. Last night, he remembers drinking some alcoholic substance that he can't remember for probably the first time. And the Prince finding him.

This is Anxiety's life. This is his goddamn life. Blasting AFI into his headphones while drinking vodka mixed with Gatorade. Quite an interesting combination (and a crappy-tasting one) but it's the best he can do to somewhat soothe the taste.

It's kind of become a bit of problem. Whenever Anxiety becomes anxious or has a meltdown, he has alcohol by his side. It's not rehab-worthy though, as he's only done this tonight and a few weeks ago.

His head is starting to spin and become foggy. He starts to become more quiet. He feels a growing sadness wash over him. But it feels too great. Anxiety starts to feel like he's in a fantasy world. Away from reality. He drinks the Gatorade in small sips, until realizing he's drank the whole glass. He's so busy rolling his eyes he doesn't realize the door opening, or the tapping on his shoulder.

Anxiety looks up, his vision slightly blurry. He splits into a grin, seeing the Prince is standing above him. He says something, but Anxiety can't make out what. After a few more attempts, Prince takes off the headphones and sits down on the bed.

"Princeeyyy~" Anxiety coos and leans into him.

"Anxiety, love," the royal boy sounds concerned. "What's the matter? Why do you reek of alcohol?"

Anxiety shrugs. "I maayyyy or may not've drank alottaVodka."

"Oh, darling.." Prince sighs and takes the glass. "How much did you drink?"

"..bout a mini bottle...."


That's all Anxiety remembers. Prince finding him drunk, mixed in with a few kisses, it's as far as his memory can go. And now he feels like someone just smacked him upside the head with a frying pan.

Standing up with a sudden lurch in his stomach, he trudges to the bathroom and falls to his knees in front of the toilet, trying to throw up as silently as he can and closing his eyes. He's sweating. He's drained. He's distressed.

Suddenly, he feels one cooling hand run through his bangs to hold them back; the other rubbing his back.

"Hello there.."


"There we go, it's alright. Take a deep breath. You're gonna be fine..."

Anxiety stands up when he's vomited all he possibly could out of his system. A toilet flush and teeth-brushing session later, Prince places a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"Mornin.." The darkly-dressed boy mumbles.

"How do you feel?" Prince's soft voice soothes the anxious feeling in Anxiety's stomach.


"I know..." Prince's arms snake around his waist. "You should probably head back to bed. You must be absolutely suffering with that headache of yours."

"Tell me about it." Anxiety tries to wiggle out of the royal boy's grasp when Prince grabs his wrist.

"Anxiety, wait just a second..."

Anxiety looks back with a questioning look.

"I know you like to do reckless things. I know you're an adult. But you were an absolute mess last night..!"

"I was?"

"Yes! You kept crying and throwing up and clinging to me, it was a nightmare. Tell me—and be honest—do you consume alcohol to have fun or because you don't feel well?"

That causes the darkly-dressed boy to look away in thought. The more that he thinks about it, he's only drank from feeling anxious.

"I uh..don't feel well..."

Prince frowns and pulls him back into his arms. "I don't want this to become a problem." He murmurs. "I care about you a lot, you know. There are indeed alternatives. Why didn't you come talk to me?"

"I don't know...." Anxiety rests his face on the royal boy's shoulder. "I feel kinda stupid...."

"You shouldn't feel silly asking for help." Prince coos as he guides Anxiety back to his room. "It's okay. Please, if you're going to drink, do it to have fun; and safely. This can become very dangerous behavior. I don't want you to get hurt. Okay?"

Anxiety doesn't even wanna talk now. He's sitting in his bed—now collapsed against the pillow—with his eyes halfway shut.

"I love you, Anxiety." Prince smiles and ruffles his hair, kissing the top of it. "Get some rest for a while. I'll be back in an hour to check on you."

"So lucky t'have you...." Anxiety mumbles with a smile. He sees the Prince blush and say something incoherent before closing his eyes.

But he swears he can feel someone coil. around him in his sleep. Just for a little bit.


Anxiety doesn't know how long he's slept. But when he wakes up with the normal bleary vision, he sees a glass of water, two little pills and a note. He struggles to read it but is eventually able to make out;

"I'll be out for a while, text/call me or get Morality when you are awake <3

Despite his headache from hell, Anxiety's never felt so happy and lucky.

(A/N: so a l o t of you guys wanted an update of this story, and i said; "why the heck not?"
this chapter may or may not have been inspired off of my own events this afternoon.....i was kinda wishing for somebody to be there in person while i was drunk. oops .-.'
but im sorry this is super short. I NEED IDEAS FOR CHAPTERS IF YA WANT UPDATES PEEPS.
so enjoy whatcha got and comment below ideas ❤️❤️❤️❤️
take care

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