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Anxiety's beaten. Not just exhausted. He's out late at night, beaten nearly to a pulp, clutching to his last bit of consciousness to head down his street.

He figured he deserved it. Walking down a street filled with gangs and nothing but trouble. Letting a gang corner him and beat him until he was down. He didn't fight back. He figured he deserved every punch and kick thrown at him. He didn't call for help, but now he's considering screaming for somebody until his throat was raw. His lip is busted, feeling blood drip down his chin and face, also from a nosebleed. He has a black eye with matching bruises all over his body, and he's positively sure he can barely sit without immense pain for a while.

Anxiety's head starts spinning as he crosses the street to the sidewalk. Just a few blocks away. Suddenly, he nearly stumbles over his own feet, gripping onto a nearby light pole and trying his hardest to catch his breath. His vision is growing dim. I can make it.

Anxiety steadies himself, waiting until his vision was cleared. As he lets go of the pole, he takes less than three steps forward and falls to the ground. He needs help.

With shaky hands, Anxiety finds his phone that's almost out of battery and goes to someone's contact. He doesn't know who, and frankly he doesn't care. He sends one simple text before finally losing consciousness. Only just a block away.



"Cmon, Prince," Logic yawns, rubbing his eyes as he stands in the doorway of the royal boy's room. (along with the Morality, who's already half asleep leaning against him) "Why don't you go to bed? Get some rest? It's late..."

"I know, I know," Prince's brows are furrowed. He's been pacing around his room for a while. "I just hate it when Anxiety comes home after dark. We don't know what kind of streets he could be taking..! What if he's hurt? What if he's lost? What if..." Prince can't even finish his sentence. The terror in his eyes says it all.

Logic sighs and walks over to the Prince, patting his back. "I know you're scared." He murmurs. "But you think too much when you're tired. Maybe Anxiety took a longer road. I can guarantee you he'll be home by—"


Morality and Logic look with anticipation. Prince is holding his phone with now shaky hands. "Oh no. Nononono," the Prince mumbles.

"What? What's wrong?" Morality asks. "Is it Anxiety? Is he alright?"

Prince has already charged out the door and began looking for Anxiety.


Anxiety wakes up to immense pain all over his cold, trembling body. He's half conscious, barely able to tell what was and wasn't real, as he gasps out and clutches to whatever he can, feeling something silky in his grasp. He tries his hardest to breathe normally; but it only comes out as gasps. Anxiety can feel himself being carried up three small steps as a soft voice shushes him and a hand pats his shoulder.

Anxiety closes his eyes again for a while. When he comes to for good, he's being held up with one arm, and another arm dabbing and gently swiping a wet cloth across his face, ridding him of any dried blood. He yawns.

"Finally.." The Prince speaks softly. "You're up."

"Wasn't I gonna be at some point?" Anxiety snickers, sitting up and facing the Prince. He notices the royal boy's hands are shaking as they brush Anxiety's bangs from his face so the Prince could kiss his cheek before resting their foreheads together.

"I was scared you weren't coming home for good......"

Anxiety rolls his eyes. "Yeah, because that would be sooooo tragic."

He expects the Prince to glare at him or just sigh.

He doesn't expect the Prince to break down crying and pull him close.

"A-Anxiety, I was terrified I would lose y-you..I don't want you m-making these reckless c-choices....I love you s-so much, I can't let you.." The Prince's voice dies in his throat as Anxiety shifts his position so he's hugging the Prince.

"Heyhey, Princey," Anxiety softens. "It's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were this upset... I'm here now, it's alright. I love you too. Don't cry..."

The Prince sighs and wipes his eyes. "I-I apologize." He sighs. "I shouldn't h-have broken down like that."

"It's alright, Princey," Anxiety murmurs, holding his hands. "You're still shaking.." A sudden dizziness washes over Anxiety, making him groan and rub his temple, suddenly falling over and resting his head on a pillow.

Prince frowns and rubs Anxiety's back, laying down with him. "Poor thing." He whispers. "Close your eyes. Get some sleep, sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up." He doesn't bother to pester Anxiety about changing in pajamas. He figures the darkly-dressed boy has had enough for today.

After changing himself, the Prince is soon laying by his now-passed-out love, holding his hand and drifting off. Tomorrow's another day, he thinks. Tomorrow will be better.

Morality and Logic peek in. Logic sighs. "They've had such a rough night..."

Morality nods. "Prince really cares about him, so I'm sure they'll be alright. I'm gonna make sure Anxiety will be okay in the morning. He doesn't seem in the greatest condition to be moping around so much. And he's definitely going to be monitored a little closely when he's coming home. I don't want this to happen again.

Logic bends down slightly to kiss Morality's cheek. "I always find it sweet when you worry about the others."

Morality smiles and blushes, moving his head so their lips would touch for a few moments. "You look tired too," he mumbles.

Logic gives a half smile. Morality could be a pain in the neck sometimes—and they almost always bicker about what's better for Thomas—but their sweet moments always, always outnumber every single argument they've had.

And that's saying something.

(A/N: so...
i had a really good idea for this chapter. i did. but this went through about three different rewrites (even a whole other idea at first) but it's just never been good enough. i literally had a panic attack last night because i was worried if i worked for too long then you guys would lose interest or get mad at me. so i tried my hardest to write something good because everything's gone to shit.
i'll still be writing & updating it's just....not as good.
i'm sorry...)

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