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The only sound in the room, is the 'Drip Drop' as my blood hits the cold, unforgiving floor. My breath comes out ragged as I stare daggers at my slit wrists.
Blood overflows out of the cuts, just as my emotions over flow when I can't bear them anymore. They overflow, just like the tears when I try to sleep at night.
The cuts are like my way of cutting myself off from society, yet care too much about why society says. The cuts represent all my failures in life. They represent how useless I am. They represent how ugly my body is, and how weak I am.
The cuts are my cowards way out. They make me feel the unforgiving pain that society and expectations bestow upon us. The unachievable goals of being "perfect". Life makes us believe that we aren't perfect but at the same time it's trying to tell us we are.
The crushing reality of never being good enough, and people telling you everyday. And the demons inside your head repeating everything you have EVER done wrong. And you can't escape your thoughts because they scream at you and make you feel depressed. They repeat everything you have done wrong and they play all your insecurities on repeat and they won't let you forget about them.
The whole "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a bunch of lies. Physical wounds and pain usually goes away, but words haunt you forever. They always are in your thoughts, mocking you and saying you are all the awful thing people say you are.
I am the "Loser" the "Screw up". I am the idiot who does everything wrong.
I am the jokester, the one who can't take anything seriously. When I do something right it seems like a "miracle" my brothers always say.
They always tell me I have a smile on my face, and always are so happy. Look at how wrong they were.
I am a depressed freak, who is too much of an idiot to get help. I am useless nobody, who always hides their own pain so others around me are happy. I am the screw up who let's people take advantage of me.
My name is Michelangelo Hamato.
They said I was happy, look at how wrong they were.

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