Chapter 1

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New story! It's been simmering in my head for a while now after I saw an OTP prompt. I've been really inspired by Sheikahzen's work recently, and I'm so grateful for the advice you gave me a while back, Sheikahzen! Thank you! 

Please read, vote, and comment cuz I'm a tired person. XD <3



My phone lights up with a new notification, and I immediately grab it from my nightstand so I can see what it is.

"A new private message from HylianFighter14"

My fingers swipe across the screen as I eagerly begin reading what he wrote:

"Yeah, I don't always get why people tend to blame other people for their screw ups. That's probably one of my biggest pet peeves... XP And really? I actually really enjoy being outside in nature. I guess I'm one of those nature hippies everyone makes fun of, lol. XD Dang, you're talented, haha - I just play some guitar, a few chords, y'know? And you're right - school should go die. :P"

Quickly, my fingers begin typing out a response:

"I would say that I agree, but I think that'd be kinda hypocritical, you know, lol? XD I literally blame everyone for all my mistakes. X_X Yeah, no nature for me, lol. >_< I'd rather be inside... where I'm safe. XP Aw, haha! I hope you're not made fun of cuz that'd really suck, and you're such a nice person! X( Lol, I'm not talented. X_X I can just play violin and draw, haha. That's not talent. XD And you're VERY talented - I can't play guitar to save my life! >.< Ugh, I hate school - bane of my existence. D:"

I press send quickly before lying back on my bed and placing my phone back on the nightstand. Hours go by as I surf the internet on my laptop before the next notification comes in, and my laptop reads:

"A new private message from HylianFighter14"

My eyes scan the new message:

"Haha, really? Well, I guess we all blame others for our mistakes at at least one point in our lives so maybe I'm being hypocritical too, lol. XP Yo, someone needs to drag you outside then, lol. Go out and explore! Haha, naw, I was just joking - I'm not really made fun of. Most of the people I hang out are really nice and supportive. Haha, you're really nice too. ^_^ And, lol, are you even kidding me? My drawings are stick figures, lol. And I can't play violin to save my life either. XD so we're even. Lol, the struggle of waking up early to go to that torture chamber. >_<"

I smile before beginning to type back:

"I suppose so. XD Noooooooo, I wanna stay indoors, lol!!! XD *hides under a table* You can't make meeeeee. >_< Got me worried for a little, haha. And that's good! I don't really have any friends at school, but I have online friends like you, lol. Aw, thanks! X) Haha, I'm sure they're not as bad as you say they are. XD And, lol, I don't really play well or anything so MEEP. XD Naw, you're still better than me. XP And nooooooooo, I don't wanna goooooo. I can't go back!!!! D:"

My phone buzzes almost immediately, but it's from another one of my online friends:

"A new private message from SlayMyLife"

I open the message before bursting out laughing:

"Oh gosh - That's literally nothing, Faye. XDDD I'm about to completely embarrass myself, but I'm a total loser, lol. So, you know those weight guessers at carnivals or fairs or whatever? Yeah, well, I'm one of those. And I was supposed to guess this girl's weight, and I said something like 150 pounds, and she freaking slapped me with her purse! What the heck?!?! XDDDDD (It was actually pretty painful :P) But anyways, yeah, I'm more of a loser than you, lol."

Yeah, my online alias is Faye, aka Princess-Faye, and one of my best online friends is SlayMyLife, otherwise known as Rooty. He and HylianKnight14 (Hyli) are the two people that have really made me enjoy life, even if it's via internet.

Writing back to Rooty, I type out:

"Rootyyy, you're crazy! You always have to under guess weights! XDDDD Lol, I guess your story tops mine... BUT - I just have one question, lol - Do you get to eat a lot of cotton candy?!?! >_<"

I'm kind of sleepy now so I don't type out a really elaborate response. It doesn't take too long for Rooty to reply, but I just ignore it for now... I need some sleep to prepare to head back to that "torture chamber" tomorrow. But, at least I know that other people around my age are going through the exact same thing as me... It's... encouraging(???).

So, I turn off my notifications for the night before closing my eyes and drifting away to sleep.


The next morning, I wake up fairly early so I can once again check my notifications and see three new ones:

"A new private message from SlayMyLife"

"A new private message from Junebug"

"A new private message from HylianFighter14"

I click on Hyli's message first and see his response:

"Lol, keeping me indoors is probably one of the worst decisions to make when dealing with me - which is why school isn't good for me. XDDD *drags you outside* THERE - I did it!!! :D Look at that! :OOO It's the SUN. :OOO XDDD Haha, I'm kinda the same - I've got a few good friends at school, and we're idiots together, lol. And no problem, haha - it's true. Lol, I'm not lying - anything I draw looks like freaking sticks put together. XDDDD And I bet you do. ^_^ Pfft, no way. XP Arghh, I'm actually on my way to school right now, haha."

Thinking of how to word my response, I quickly begin typing a response:

"Haha, I bet you must feel caged indoors - I just feel safe. XD :OOOO NOOOOOOOO - TAKE ME BACK INSIDEEEEEEE. >_< I'm meltinggg... XD Too... much... sun!!!! X_X Haha, I just kinda chill by myself, lol, besides a few friends I have from orchestra. XP Well, they must be good stick figures. ^w^ Lol, nopeeeeeee, I play bad. XD And yessss, you're better than me. Lol, same. X_X KMS."

I don't look at my other messages because I have to dress quickly so I'm not late for school. After dressing, I grab some breakfast before heading outside. Then I speed walk all the way to school and into homeroom, barely making it on time.


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