Chapter 1

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   I was in the front row of the church dressed in all black. I was only seventeen and I had to plan a funeral for my mother, father, and little sister. I don't know how I would have coped without my best friend Noah. He was sitting beside me right now trying to comfort me and calm me down between sobs. When we leave the funeral he has to help me finish packing. The only other relative that I can stay with is my mom's brother, uncle Hal. I have to stay with him because I am still a minor. I have only seen him one other time and we visited his hotel that he was in at the time. Hopefully he's gotten his crap together since I was four years old. I am excited to visit England though.

  Noah drives me to the airport and walks me to the gate and hands me my bags and we both cry as I go through the security. Before he goes out of sight we promise to video chat every night before bed and exchanged I love you's. I stand right inside the security gate and look around and see a vaguely familiar face coming towards me with open arms. "Hey kiddo. It's been a while." He says with his thick British accent. "I'll say so." I sat and return the gesture. We walk onto tge plane and I put my ear bud's in and put it on my favorite band, five seconds of summer. I gently hum the lyrics for about a half hour. That is until 'Out of My Limit' came on. Uncle Hal pulled one of my ear buds out and to be honest I thought he was about to tell me to shut up. "You sing very well. Is that five five seconds of summer?" He asks. "Thank you. Mom said I sound like a cat that wanted inside. Yes, it is five seconds of summer. They are like my favorite band in the entire world. They are amazing." I tried not to fangirl and hopelessly failed. He chuckled. "What do you think about one direction?" He asks me. What an odd question for a grown man to ask. "They are gay as crap and their music gives me a migraine, but that one with the blonde hair, what's his name is pretty cute." I voice my opinion. "Oh well. I like them they are one of my favorite bands." He responds. I put my ear buds back in and drifted off to sleep until I was waken up by the turbulance of landing. We made it to his car swiftly and I did not say a word until we pull up to a three story house. I let a gasp. "This is your house!?" I am impressed. "Yep, and now, it's yours too." He grabs two of my suitcases and I grab the other and my makeup case that may as well be a duffel bag. We walked up the grand staircase and up another set of stairs to a huge room with double doors. It had plain white walls and a king size matress, a plasma screen 50' tv and two dressers and a wardrobe. "Woah."  Is all I can manage to say. "Its not much, but you can paint the walls and hang up some teenage girl stuff. If you want. When you get settled in there are some people I want you to meet." he is about to leave. "Wait, just sit the bags down on the bed and I can unpack later. I would love to meet new people." We sat the bags down on th e bed and it started to move. Ermehgerd it's a water bed. "Alright then. Let's go." We walked back down stairs and walked into the den with couches out the wazoo and a cinema grade tv. There was four boys around the age of twenty facing it. "Boys, this is my niece, Danielle, but you can call her Danni. Danni this is Niall, Louis, Harry, and Liam." As soon as they turned around I emmediately knew why he asked me how I felt about one direction. Wow. They are some fine looking men. "The blonde walks up to me and holds out his hand for me to shake. "Ello, love. I'm Niall. Pleasure to meet you." He had a thick Irish accent. I was about to take his hand to shake it when a brown headed boy came and took it. "Hi, I'm Liam." He kisses my hand. "Hi. I'm Danni." I smiled at his gesture. "I'm Louis." He held his arms open and gave me a hug. "Nice to meet you Louis." "Hey. I'm Harry. It is really nice to meet you. I am so sorry for your loss. Hal told us all about it." He looked sincere as he held out his arms and I emmediately lean in to his chest and try to keep myself from crying. His sent hits me and he smells amazing and I can't help but let a tear roll down my cheek. He lifts my chin with his index finger and wipes my tear. "If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here. I know what it feels like to lose people you love." He looks so vulnerable. "Yeah thanks. Where's the kitchen? I need something to drink." I ask Hal when I turn around. All of the guys look at me with wide eyes. Hal directs me to the kitchen. I come back with diet root beer. "In case you don't understand what they are to me, I am their manager. They live here as well when we're not on tour. I need to go run some errands, play nice boys. She's 17." And with that he left. I ran upstairs to my room and the loud thud of Harry's boots behind me didn't slow me down. I walked through the double doors and locked them so I could change in to something more comfortable. I hear a light knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask while slipping on my yoga pants. "It's Niall, love. Can I come in?" Me asks. "Yeah give me a minute." I pull my sweat shirt over my head and unlock my door. "Its open." I say rummaging through my makeup bag for a hair tie. I pull my hair into a messy bun and Niall shuts the door behind him. "You changed fast. He giggled. "Yeah. I should have worn this to begin with. Those weren't exactly good traveling clothes." I laugh. "I don't believe we had a proper introduction. The boys sort of stole it from me." He opened his arms. I walk into them and Harry walks in my room. "Have you ever heard of something called knocking. What if I was naked or something?" I roll my eyes. "Yeah. I just don't do it. If you would have been makes you would have yelled the second the door opened even slightly. So I don't want to here that. I came to see if you need any help unpacking." He smirks.

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