Chapter 4

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  We pulled into the Halloween store shortly after I sang for the boys. We all ran into the costime section and pretend to be looking at the costumes. "A296, please. A small." I say to the associate with a lot more piercings than her ears. She comes back with the costume in hand and escorts me to my dressing room to try it on. "Thanks." I say before she walked away. "What kind of costume did you get?" Liam asked. "I guess you'll have to wait and find out." I said and closed the curtain. It took a little bit longer to put it on, mainly because they run small. It was a little too small. I guess it added to the costume. "Hurry up, Danni. If you take any longer you might miss Halloween.'' Louis complained. I tied my hair up in pig tales and grabbed my bat. "Are you ready for this?" I asked with one hand on the curtain. "Yeah. Now hurry up I want to see!" Harry says and I laugh a little. I pull back the curtain and walk out. All of their mouths dropped to the ground as I stepped out of the curtain. "So, what do you think? Is it Party esque?" I walk around a bit and tease. "Yeah. You look great. You should get that one." Hal answers first. All of the boys except Liam had closed their mouths. I walk back to the room and watch them watch me through my mirror. I pulled the curtain halfway shut and looked directly at Liam. "Um, Liam, sweetie, you might want to close your mouth before you catch a fly. Harry, you have something in the corner of your lip. I think it's drool. I laughed and changed  into my regular clothes. I can have any one of them wrapped around my finger any time I want.The next person to find their costume was Harry and he tried his on and he looked good.
   He was the joker from Suicide squad. He was wow. I stood with an amazed expression of how he could pull that off. "You like what you see, there Harley?" He was making fun of me. "No, not really. Come here, you are all disheveled." I straightened his collar and popped it up. And made his curly brown locks slide behind his ears. "There, now you look decent. It looks rather good on you, if I'm going to be honest. I can help all of you guys with hair and make-up if you need. You can use kool- aid to dye your hair. I am going to use perminant hair dye. I have always wanted Harley Quinn hair, but I've never had a reason to dye my hair until now." I say. "Yeah. You can do my makeup." Harry says and all the rest of the boys nod. They all finished picking out their costumes. Liam decided on a skeleton zipper thing, Niall decided on a vampire, and Louis decided on super man. Harry and i went and got my hair dyed and it looks amazing, and we kool-aid dyed his. He looks good with green hair to be honest. Nothing much happened until the party. The guys and I watched a bunch of movies and Harry and I stayed together the rest of the week.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Danni, You look like a hoe, and Harry smells like one, too!'' I wake up to all of the boys singing. "We made you breakfast. By we I mean Harry and Niall." Harry was sitting beside me on the bed with a big smile with his infamous dimples. "Thanks." I say as they sit the tray in front of me. The pancakes look delicious. I take a bite, and they have chocolate chips and peanut butter in between the layers. How did the.g. know? The only person I told was... oh Harry. "These are really good, but there is no way I'm going to eat twenty four pancakes. You guys go downstairs and get some plates. If I am going to have breakfast in bed, you guys are too. I want to share." I say. "How do you like the peanut butter and chocolate chips?" Niall says. "It tastes really good. Try it." I say. He takes a bite. "You were right. That is really good." He laughs.
We were finishing up breakfast and Hal comes in and smiles as he opens the door and sees all of the boys and I eating. "Alright ladies. We need to start getting ready. It is already 12:30. Danni's party starts at three, and the big Halloween party starts at seven. And Danni has to all of your makeup." He reminds me. "Niall, will you take my plate so I can get ready before I do all of the makeup?" I look at him, and so does Harry. "Sure, love. It's your birthday." He plants a kiss on my cheek as they started cleaning up.  Harry looked pissed and I giggled.

  I got up once they left, I put my costume on. Except my top. I throw an old long t- shirt so the bous couldn't see the shorts. Somebody took it. Dang it! I walk downstairs and see Harry smirking and all of the guys looking clueless. "Harry, have you seen my Harley Quinn top?" I know he has. "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. What's it worth to ya'?" He held up the top and I tried to snatch it from him, but he moved it away. "Fine. You can sleep in your own damn bed then." I crops my arms and I know that I said the wrong thing. "You can have it under one condition," he smirks. "What would that be?" I'm scared about what he's going to say. "You put it on right here, right now." All of the boys eyes went wide with harry's confidence radiates. "Fine. But if uncle Hal sees me it's your fault." I take my shirt off to reveal my red silk bra. All of the boys stare at me amused as Harry gives me the shirt. "You are such a perv, you know that, right." I say as I skip the shirt on. You can clearly see the red through it. I put on the jacket as well. "Now that that is over. I am almost done with my make up so you guys can come up when you are ready." I start up the steps and I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Huh?" I turn around to see Harry. "I'll be up in like two minutes. I just have to get my costume on." He smirks. "Me too!" Niall yells and races up the stairs.  I finish my make up and Harry come in my room in only boxers and his costume in hand. "You forgot to smudge the lipstick." He comes into the bathroom and runs his finger across my bottom lip. "Dang it. This lipstick is tough." Harry says. "I'm here." Niall walks in in his vampire costume. "You trying to smudge some lipstick?" He gets closer to my face. "Uh yeah. It's being stubborn." I say. "Everybody knows the best way to smudge lipstick is by kissing." He inches closer. Harry pulls Niall backwards. "That's a good idea Niall. We'll try it." He says and smashes his lips into mine in a rushed manner. I'm pushed agents the counter and Niall gasps. Liam walks in the room in his skeleton costume and yells "Hal? Get in here please." And Harry and i stop making out the second Hal walks in "Harry Styles! I told you to fucking stay away from her! She is my niece not a fake doll that you can just play with and leave!" He looks at Harry with furious eyes.

Dear Harry, I hate youWhere stories live. Discover now