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"You're going to regret this," Loxy snapped at Bellamy, snatching the axe out of his waistband. She aimed, which was difficult amongst the sea of people. Then, with clear precision, she threw the axe.

The blade pierced the bark of tree as well as the material that was hanging Murphy. He dropped onto the ground instantly, and everyone froze in shock. They had gone from a raging audience to statues in seconds.

"Murphy didn't kill Wells," Loxy spoke in a clear voice. "I know who did it. And if they don't—"

She was cut off as two hands wrapped around her neck, closing off any air from getting through. The boy leading the uproar shoved her against the tree. "Do you even know what Murphy is like? He killed him! He's a murderer!"

Loxy felt as if her windpipe was on fire, desperately trying to pry the guy's hands off her for air. Her face was heating up quickly and her vision began to blur.

"Let her go!" Bellamy shouted, and began mercilessly punching him.

"Just stop it!" Charlotte finally screamed, her face hardened into a scowl. "Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did!"

Shock rippled through the crowd, mostly on Bellamy's face as it was a mixture of surprise and hurt. Loxy felt sympathy wave over her, but she ignored as she grabbed Charlotte and gestured for Clarke and Bellamy to follow. Finn trailed along as well.

"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy's angry voice called out, sounding furious.

"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy pleaded to her, ignoring Murphy's screams. His brown eyes were filled with confusion and pain.

"Because I was trying to slay my demons like you told me!" Charlotte answered, sounding annoyed.

Anger swelled up in Loxy's chest. "He wasn't telling you to actually kill someone! You killed someone today. Ended his life! To slay your demons doesn't mean to make someone stop breathing so you can feel better." Loxy could feel her voice rising, but no one was stopping her.

"Wells wasn't even the one who locked up your parents. He wasn't your demon. And honestly, neither is the Chancellor," Loxy breathed, staring into Charlotte's crying eyes.

"Your only demon is yourself. And to slay your demons you have to fight them. You have to show them that you can overcome what they throw at you. And by God that doesn't mean killing someone!"

Two arms wrapped around her back and Loxy allowed herself to be taken away by whoever they were. She couldn't stop looking at Charlotte, however. The young girl who killed her best friend was right in front of her and the pain was unbearable.

Bellamy squeezed her tightly before letting go and walking back to Charlotte, his eyes full of alarm.

"Bring the girl out, now!"

"Please don't let them hurt me!" Charlotte begged, her eyes falling on Bellamy.

"If you have any bright ideas please speak up now," Bellamy turned to the group, looking desperate.

Loxy took in a deep breath, still trying to calm down from her outburst. Slowly, however, she began forming a plan in her head.

"Now you stay quiet," Bellamy grumbled.

"Those are your boys out there," Finn said defensively, giving him a sideways glance.

DON'T LET ME GO   ►   BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now