Bonus Chapter (Last)

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"She's so stubborn, omma!"

Sungjae complained, exhausted in chasing her from places. Joy's mother giggled in adoring both of them, as they followed Sooyoung who was busy twirling all around the store. As soon as Sungjae would follow and catch her, she'd just run away to some parts once again.

"I wish to have an energy like that." Sungjae's mother muttered, clinging into the arms of Joy's mother. She laughed, tapping her hands as she rested hers upon the hands of Sungjae's mother. "Kids would be kids, let them be.", "I've talked to Joy last night, she was such a sweet heart.", "Wae?", "She's asking me to delay the marriage until my husband got out of the jail. I told her no, they can't wait for years to be married.", Joy's mother was shocked, before she smiled genuinely. "She's the typical Joy, always a sweet heart.", "I'm glad that she'll be marrying my son."

Laughing, she responded. "They were both lucky."

Their conversation was cut off by a loud yell. "Yah! Park Sooyoung!" Chuckling together, they admired their kids from a far.


"I'm fine here, daughter-in-law."

Joy sighed heavily, tapping her fingers into the desk as she mumbled. "But appa, it's our marriage, your son's marriage!", "You can't wait for fifteen years on me, young lady." She sighed, lowering her head down.

"Appa would be fine." He smiled, as his hand reaches forward to pat her head. In surprise, her gaze landed into her father-in-law, "Your father always do this to you when you were young. You're one of those precious people to him." She felt herself tearing up once again, before he sweep her tears away. "He hates you crying, don't do it."

She smiled bitterly, as tears fell from her eyes. "Your appa loves you so much. And I know he was smiling now from afar.", "Gomawo, Mr. Yook." He shrugs, "Aniya, you should hurry up and rest. Tomorrow is your wedding right?", "You're right! We'll go straight into here." She declared, smiling faintly before he laughed. "You're absurd, Joyiah. Get going and don't worry about me, I'm fine.", "Get a good sleep, appa!", "Take care of my son, okay?", "Ne, I will."

"I want to see a grand son before I get out, okay?" She awkwardly laughs, before nodding. "Ne, appa."


His heart beat rises.

Her heart beat faltered in nervousness.

His eyes twitched as his nervous gaze roams all around in the venue, while landing into his shaky feet that was covered in black leather shoes. His palms were sweaty as ever, and he could feel his self collapsing for the single moment.

And then the enormous door opened, and his eyes wandered to land over to the lady he was going to marry-

"Why are you wearing a tuxedo?"

And that cuts the romance. His eyes fell cautiously to his bride that was holding a boquet of flowers, yet wearing a black tuxedo while her make up was nicely done. She was grinning like a maniac while she marched over, surprising the guests on what she was wearing. They even bought a huge and beautiful white gown for her with luxurious laces wrapped along at the start of her waistline down to the end point of the fabric. Why was she wearing a plain tuxedo?

She laughs, before reaching the top part to find herself looking over to him. He couldn't believe his eyes at all. Yes, she disobeyed a lot in regards to their marriage of not wearing a gown- but why does he feel like everything was like before?

Everything comes flashing back to him.

"Do you remember when I used to pretend that I am a guy?"

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