No sequel...

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No sequel not yet..... I'm going to add one more chaptersince I'm bored and I Dont have nothing to do... Lmaoo

I'm irritated and I'm tired, I can't seem to shake the feeling that someone is watching me.. And it bothers me a lot and evey time I look around nobodies there. Creepy right?

I'm walking down the cold dark streets of 87th. And it's not quiet but its not noisy either, it's kind of both but I like it I can hear almost every conversation these people are having and it calms me..

But there is someone out there watching me, I can feel someone's eyes on me I can feel it somebody's watching me and I Dont like it either, and it's not the type of look parents give there children when they are talking to them. It's that predator catches prey look, and I hate that look to be honest. I hope Desiree bitch ass didn't snitch on me and my girls and got the police watching me..

Still to this day it's fuck the police, and fuck Donald trump even tho my dad's white I'm Still going to say fuck Donald trump because he's a bitch and he knows nothing about politics and being a president and if he think he's gonna try to build a wall around mexico he's got another thing coming..

They better hurry up and kill his dumb racist ass before I do.. Because if they don't I will or at least imma die trying.. Cause I will not have anyone like him running america telling people what to do and shit. It's crazy asf he probably doesn't even know the constitution with his dumb ass....

But I finally made it home and I still can't shake the feeling of someone watching me... He's here In my house.. I know, I can feel him watching me .

This was the POV of Aalyeeha... 😆 I hope you like.... But there will be an updated edited version of this story before the sequel and it will have more chapters... So this is the last chapter guys!!! Be sure to read the edited longer book when its published.💖💖

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