~ P R O L O G U E ~

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/How the hell did you ever pick me? Honestly, I could sing you a song - but I don't think words can express your beauty... They say that love is forever, your forever is all I need. Please, stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken, but I swear I will never leave. Please, stay forever with me. {I couldn't love just anyone, I was created to love just one girl}/ ~ Sleeping With Sirens {If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn}

Owen's Perspective

"C'mon, we're gonna' be late for class," Kris giggled, picking up her binders and heading out of the library door with them.

I followed close beside her, shooting innocent, and unknown {to her, at least} glares at any guys whose eyes had begun to wonder. And believe, it happened a lot. God, for once can they think with their heads and not their -

"Hey, Owen!" I turned my head slightly to see a girl with long red hair that was curled at the ends and blue eyes that were the color of crystal clear water.

"Hi, Diana." I said, turning my body away from Kristen and towards Diana who began to swat at my chest playfully at almost everything I said. It was {a completely} feeble attempt at flirting, but I went along with it. Diana wasn't bad to look at, I mean, I'm not a pervert {like the guys behind me, for example} but I'm still allowed to think a girl is attractive and flirt with her.

"So, Owen, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind being my partner for the science project," she said gleefully. Well, she was the captain of the cheer-team.

I bit my lip gently, instantly confused and I found myself turning my head to see Kristen who was at her locker - alone, twisting the lock around - trying to open the locker door. I could tell just by the expression on her face that she had overheard the conversation.

I felt guilty, for a moment...Kris and I were planning on being partners for the project, but - she's got to understand. This is Diana Fraser we're talking about. Kris has always known that I've liked her. Ever since my first year in this rundown high-school.

She could find someone else to be partners with. Right?


Kris is an easy-going person; she'll understand...

Kristen's Perspective

"So he left you? Just like that?"

I nodded my head slowly, adjusting myself in my seat. Our science teacher, Mister Blooming was going on and on about something that was; a, super gross looking, and b, boring. Of course, I'd be assigned extra homework and/or be placed into detention with the whole group of emo's, jocks, and possibly a kid that everyone knew was pretty much an arsonist. So, thanks, I'll pass. Plus, only whatever some sort of higher power knows what would happen when my parents would find out about me not paying attention in school. Mom would throw a complete fit.

Therefore, I slumped back in my chair, sighing, whispering to Jack who sat beside me, fiddling with the knobby-thing on his pen.

"Yeah, he left to go do his project with Diana Fraser," I mocked. Jackson turned to me, a surprised look on his face.

"Owen's doing a project with Diana Fraser?! Sweet." I turned my head sharply at him, as he diverted his eyes to the blackboard. "I mean, he's a total jack-ass for ditching you, but, come on Kris, this is Diana Fraser we're talking 'bout. She's like, the hottest girl in school."

I rolled my eyes. Men.

"Hey, if you want I'll be your partner."

"You aren't even in my grade. Remember? Just because you're in a senior class does not mean you are no longer a sophomore."

He frowned, and began to study the black board on the left. Well, trying to. Budget cuts had been made in the school a little while back, so they had to cut a few classes out of the school. For example, the sophomore's science classroom, the junior math class, and a few other after-school clubs and activities. So, depending on the size, shape and resources a certain class had - the staff thought it would be good to cram a few junior students in one science class, and the sophomore's and freshman in another.

Currently, the seniors had three science classrooms. One wasn't really a classroom, it was more of a lab, but it is used for classes. The other one was like the one I was in right now.

And although the idea seemed crappy in the beginning, it worked out to be fine...but it had taken it's toll on the teachers. Each one assigned to each class had to use sixty minutes of their so-called, 'precious life', and applied that to teach two grades and two classes.

Luckily, not all classes were like that. Only the ones the principal deemed, "okay to tear down, due to my idiotic purchases". There was even a whole case that went to court and everything after one of the staff members accused Mister Fern of using the school's budget for his own personal needs.

"God, this doesn't even make sense," Jack whined. {As usual} "Why does everything have to be so damn complicated? I mean, are we actually gonna' use this for future reference?"

"Some of us might, you never know." I admitted, still watching the board as if the words written in chalk would slip right off the board and float away.

"What the hell is wrong with -"

"Mister Walker," Mister Blooming called out from the front of the class. Jackson sat up in his seat immediately, gulping as he looked between the board and Mister Blooming. "May you please tell the class the way the Binomial Naming System works?"

He gulped again, clearing his throat.

"And thus why you should pay attention," I added, quietly. Smiling as Jackson tried to remember it all and answer the question of a now very unamused Mister Blooming.

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