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/This is how it's gonna' be. This is what you'll think of me. It's going down like I told ya' - this is how it's gonna' be. I'll be the last man standing here. I'm not going anywhere. It's going down like I told ya', I'll be the last man standing here. {What you gonna' do?} I'm gonna' rock you. {What you gonna' do?} I'm gonna' rock you. {What you gonna' do?} I'm gonna' rock you, I'll have you begging for mercy, begging for mercy, oh. I'm the baddest mother up in here. And I'm about to make it clear. It's going down like I told ya', I'm the baddest mother up in here... Get ready, cause here I come. I'm about to come and get me some. Hot as a smoking gun. So get ready, cause here I come/ ~ Royal Deluxe *from the 2016 motion picture, "Magnificent Seven"* {Dangerous}

Delilah's Perspective

"Are you crazy?!" I whisper-yelled at Jess and Kris. "You must be to think of that!"

"Well it's the only plan we got." Jess retorted. I swung my arms up the air, dragging them down my face groaning.

"Doesn't mean it's a good one!" The team was huddled in a circle in front of the NYPD department doors. Jack, Owen and May were assigned to go talk with Clarissa who somehow survived - leaving Jess, Kris, Lily, Mac and I to find out that the reason Pierce died was because he had information - tangible, reliable, and destructive information which is best to say - about the now corrupt part of the New York Police Department. Pierce was headed to the mayor to reveal the secrets about everything, but after further investigation we learned Mays was a huge part of the corruption.

The familiar black van pulled up beside us. Three doors swung open as May, Owen and Jack climbed out heading towards us. "Hey, what's going on?"

"We're compromised." Jessica muttered.

"Compromised?" Owen questioned. He looked to Kristen temporarily but the two diverted each other's gaze. Almost as if they wanted it, but didn't know how to accept it.

"Yes." Mac added, "That's why Pierce was killed. He retired ten years ago, that's why I didn't recognize him front he photos."

"That's also why the people that did recognize him didn't say anything. They expunged his previous employment records. Bank accounts. Everything about Pierce Camel was swept beneath the rug. They had no reason to worry about it."

"Yes, because they had no knowledge of Miss Joan Ryder." Kris smiled.

"So was the sniper hired?"

"Yes." Mac said. "And that's why they tried to kill Clarissa. Because they found out that in his will, was everything they needed to know to blow up the compromised part of the Bureau."

"And guess who in the will was getting that?"

"Clarissa Fields," May finished for Kris.

"We created a plan, at least -" Jess said, being cut off short by me.

"A highly insensitive, idiotic and rather pathetic plan if you ask me."

Her eyes shot daggers and I swear steam exploded from her ears. "As I was saying -" she said through gritted teeth. "It's the best plan we have."

"Okay, spill." May told Jess. Jess looked at Kris, asking for the go ahead. Kris nodded and Jessica began.

Owen's Perspective

The American flag was pulled upon the thick, glossy, oak wood casket Pierce Camel was to be buried in.

Lily and I stood there. One of the people to have a first-seat at witnessing his body be buried six feet under.

Our plan - we hoped - would work. Clarissa was brought out of the hospital in a wheelchair. But she was still very much alive. And we loudly announced that back at the Department. So, in theory, one of the people from the corruption would've picked up on it and reported it to the sniper. Now, because there was a few buildings near the spot where he was going to be buried, the team knew that the whole situation would be perfect for this sniper.

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