~ F O U R ~

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/I don't wanna know your name - cause you don't look the same, the way you did before. Okay. You think you've got a pretty face, but the rest of you is out of place. You looked alright before... Fox on the run, you scream and everybody comes a running. Take a run and hide yourself away, foxy on the run. F-foxy. Fox on the run, and hide away/ ~ Sweet {Fox On the Run}

Lily's Perspective

"Do you think she'll tell us soon?" I whispered to Jack as the two of us tried to look through the window best we could at Kristen who had been running her fingers along pages and pages of facts, people and resumes.

After Landon's {wonderful} departure, Charity told us that we needed his replacement. So, Kris had to take the liberty of skimming through almost every single non-working, and working Agent - trying to find the best fit for our team.

"I don't think so. She may have not even found a person she likes." Jack whispered back, going slightly higher on his toes than me - possibly trying to figure out faces by pictures and names. "She's very picky." He added.

"I can imagine," I added, turning around and leaning against the wall. "I just hope she picks a better guy than Landon this time." I admitted.

Jack got back down to the balls of his feet and nodded along with my statement. "I think that's why she's taking extra precaution. And, if anything, that's why I think she might end up picking an Agent she already knows. Kris may be annoying and bitchy, but in cases like these - she's kind of predictable."

"Not when it comes to infiltrating a prostitution ring though." Jack laughed. I looked through the window, to see Kristen pulling another file out of the...bottom of the pile? I was intrigued and got Jack's attention. Both of us inched closer, joined by Jess who just came from the bathroom.

"Where'd she go?" Jess asked. The door clicked and opened, taking away the thing that held the three of us up. I fell on top of Jessica. She wailed in pain, hitting me, forcing me to get off her back. Jack held himself up by the door, as he quickly ran away. I looked at his direction then back in front of me to come face-to-face with Kris' legs. I looked upward and gave her a playful, weak smile.

"Hi," Jess said.

Kristen cocked an eyebrow, shook her head then closed the door once again, going back to her previous job.

Delilah's Perspective

Why Starbucks? Why?!

The nearest Starbucks was five blocks down which, you would've thought would have only taken a couple minutes - but instead, took a hour at the most. Jessica couldn't have picked a closer coffee shop? I mean, this is New York. There's hundreds of thousand of coffee shops in the city. So why the hell does she have to pick Starbucks and make me go get it for her without even a fucking car?!

Because she is Jessica Moon. In turn, making her super lazy.

Sighing and groaning, I finally trudged through the front doors to be met with {surprisingly} only a few people. I felt my brow furrow as I found my spot in line.

I began to fidget as the short line of customers decided to take the 'fuck it! Let's buy everything on the menu today, shall we?' road. Shifting on one foot to another, I found interest in the zipper on my purse, when the barista from behind the counter called next.

I placed my order, and barely grazed the fabric of my change purse when the lady - Claire, I think it was - stopped me. "Oh, ma'am, there is no need."

She had a very audible Brooklyn accent as she smiled and hummed to herself while she made my - sorry, Jessica's - coffee. I gave her a strange look. "I have to pay for my drink though."

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