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/I went down to a place in Bed Stuy, a little liquor on my lips. I let him climb inside my body, and held him captive in my kiss... I'm a wanderess - I'm a one night stand - don't belong to no city - don't belong to no man. I'm the violence in the pouring rain; I'm a hurricane... I went down to a place in Brooklyn, where you tripped on LSD. And I found myself reminded, to keep you far away from me... He says, "Ooh, baby, begging you to save me. Well lately, I like 'em crazy. Ooh, maybe, you could devastate me. Little lady, come and fade me." I'm a hurricane.../ ~ Halsey {Hurricane}

Kristen's Perspective

"Have you picked someone yet?" I looked up with one eye, shook my head and slowly returned to the screen of my laptop. "Come on, sis, you can tell me. I won't spoil the secret."


"Why not? Aren't we gonna' meet them anyway?"

"Yes. But not now." I said calmly.





"Why?" I shot up from the screen, causing strands to fall in front of my face.

"Just. Because. You. Can't." I told him through gritted teeth, tucking my hair behind my ears while doing so.

"Aw, but Kris..." he whined, sliding off the table pulling out a chair beside me. I slammed the laptop lid before he could look at the screen which had the list of names I was looking through.

I narrowed my list to six. Each person fully eligible, and the top Agents in their Bureau. But...the occurring question in my head was if they'd be a good fit for my team. My team, my...family...they mattered. A lot. And each of us operated differently. That meant that the newest member would have to figure out how to operate among us.

That's why I had cut out most of the Agents with resumes that seemed...I don't know...too perfect to even be a resume. My team needed someone who didn't have a stick up their ass and someone who didn't always play by the rules.

"Can you give me a hint, at least? What their gender is, or something? Please?"

I shook my head smiling. "I haven't decided on anyone, Jack. I have a list. Don't worry, I'm taking my time. I'll find the best one for this team..."

Because each member operated differently I needed people that could bring something else -something new - something...fresh to the table.

May was the wise one out of us. And also kind of the good cop to my bad cop. She had a nicer way of dealing with things. But if someone she loved got hurt, she'd go all she-devil on their sorry asses. And we needed that. Someone who was stable enough, but had the will to let go a little.

Owen was compassionate. Empathetic. However, he lacked a bit of that family-love feeling. After leaving for a year he tried to fit back in that spot he had previously. But he couldn't entirely. There was still something there that was holding him back. Holding us back... Something, that I couldn't quite put my finger on. But his passion for his job was admirable and a great fit inside the puzzle I called my team. And my friends.

Lily was the strong-willed one. She had tons of pride stored in that little body of hers. And although it could be constricting on her abilities, she used that pride wisely {most times} and after connecting with someone once, she'd go all in. Yes. She could be a little strong-tempered but inside she had a heart of gold.

Jess was all-in-all tough. Physically and mentally. She refused to share her feelings with other people, and honestly, none of us really knew much about her and her past. Sure, everyone knew she was a lazy coffee fanatic. That part isn't hard to hide. But what you could also tell was that trust didn't come easy, nor fast for her. It may be a few more years before she truly reveals herself to us. Why? Because trust has to be earned. And there are very few people she truly trusts.

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